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This was awesome I support it ha ha
Someone needs to grow up a lot
He has so many haters it's pretty comical. The guy is confident and is willing to fight anyone no gi at anytime. I don't see how that earns him so much hate.
Gordan Ryan sounds like such a nerd, but he's one of the baddest fucks on the planet… Amazing.
Jesus christ, Gordon thinks very highly of himself. Apparently he's the only one that shows up to matches and he uses facts to make objective arguments. Lol
Gordon's a pseudo-intellectual at best. That's a fact.
The robe is clearly light blue
Isaque isn't doing this unless someone else gives him 10K for laughs. I give Isaque no chance.
Gordo dude, why do you even bother with those below you who call you out. You are giving them some sort of importance by even mentioning their names.
King? More like drama queen..
Guy is not the greatest wordsmith.
This dude wants smoke with everybody
Credit where credit is due. The title isn’t clickbait for once lol
Where are the values of today's martial artists… .
Lol I can’t believe I watched all that
Roger and you are the best ever roger best gi forvsure no doubt
Anyone else who can't stand pompous personalities actually like Gordon Ryan? I normally can't stand cocky," full of themselves " athletes, but he's an exception. And the steroids debate; if most in the community are doing it, I find no problem. I think weight cutting is a bigger cheating problem in combat sports. Just my opinion, without any actual research so completely meaningless. Lol
Everyone hates Gordon Ryan because they aren't Gordon Ryan. The only person who can anything is Felipe Pena but also he's been subbed by multiple people who Gordon has bodied so it's taken with a grain of salt.
They’re all on steroids
This dude is growing on me, much respect for his achievements in nogi, and he’s fucking hilarious
When a super nerd gets really good at BJJ and then tries to trash talk. Great at BJJ…terrible at trying to be the next Connor McGregor in terms of trash talking. The lisp throws it all off.
Isaque beAt jt he will sumit nicky
Isaque could beat gordon
I thought the robe was grey lol
Gordon is ok guy when he doesn't talk.
Such a drama queen.
How do any of these goose ever think they can touch you guys like you had the most clinical coach on the planet a guy who breaks things down into clinical manner a textbook manner a You have a professor of jujitsu not a really a coach hes much much more professor he looks at things in such a analytical way that the potential for anyone to be you guys hes not even fucken real it's like I don't see how these guys talk ship it just doesn't make for consents and then you on there and you're like Hey here is boom boom boom laid out on a straightforward and they're still like oh no it doesn't count. I totally understand why your mind blown by these fucken douche bags is they could just own up to it beyond a straightforward they might get a fucken real opportunity or they might actually get better they start being real honest with herself.
Dude, you're a roid head.
The King. Gordon Ryan is the best no gi jui jitsu martial artist today.
What is with this guy, arrogant as f#ck. Talk about rubbing folks the wrong way….Isn't Jiu Jitsu about being humble
age?…is that in dog years?
Gordon beats all those guys santos gives up when he the nail lucus will not beat gordon but i want to see rematch with vinny maelese after he heals
… white isn’t a colour…
I respect Gordon and all but I want to see him back all that up by calling out Roger Gracie. Only then will I believe he’s beat the best of the best.
Color blind people in the comments. " The robe is grey". Bitch everything is grey, youre obviously color blind.
“…and then there’s this other idiot, zakey. I don’t know how u say it”. Lmaooo. I can’t get enough of this dude. So funny. No filter
Gordon Ryan is really good but he’s a moron. I can’t wait till he starts doing mma and get crushed badly.
i m fron brasil gordon is the best ossss