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Gordon Ryan blasts Caio Terra,
Roger Gracie on Buchecha match,
Mackenzie Dern has return date in mind, staying at 115lbs,
Din Thomas calls Jiu Jitsu guys ‘Potheads’,
KASAI Super Series Dallas,
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This idiot Din Tomwho,is fucking Nobody to talk about BJJ like that! Not every douchebag come along and begin talking out of his asshole,is interview worthy!
Don't know what BJJ school that guy is talking about, but our Ralph Gracie school goes up to nearly 95% humidity and no one smokes pot. We warm up and drill for an hour and then roll for another hour until we are exhausted and have left everything on the mat. Din is an asshole to say that. As bad as some white guy saying that all black people are criminals, drug dealers, and ghetto rats. That's just bigotry and gross generalization and it ain't cool.
I love Caio !
Makenzie Dern is a fat mentally ill retard who is a thot first bjj last.
Wrestlers are hard headed with finishes. Only Jake did it well. All others are scared to go for a finish. Even my favorite heave weight of all time Cain V is scared to go for a lock.
Wrestling practices are very grueling. It's almost torture at times. The intensity develops more athleticism and toughness. There's many competitive bjj gyms that train hard like that, but most have a very chill vibe. It depends on what your goals are I guess. If you're competitive aspirations you have to find a competition based school, you won't build champions with mellow hour and a half classes with 40 minutes of light drilling, five rounds of rolling, and 10 push ups every now and then. There's nothing wrong with a chill school if that's what you want though. Bjj is for everyone
That’s the steroids talking. I’m sure Gordon is a nice guy when he isn’t cycling
Din Thomas DID NOT call jiu-jitsu guys potheads. There's a difference between saying some smoke pot and claiming/generalizing everyone as potheads. He did the former. You could even look at Joe's reaction: there was obviously nothing hostile said about BJJ or marijuana.
I am a Gordon ryan fan but he is totally out of line attacking Caio. Someone needs to humble him. Talk about pick on a guy your own size.
I think it's hilarious that anyone thinks there anything "new" in jiu jitsu, or in anything for that matter. There's no 'new' way in jiu-jitsu. Nobody 'invents' new moves or 'discovers' some magical shit nobody ever has done before. Whatever you think you're inventing that "nobody" else has done, just remember humans have been training for THOUSANDS of years, and you basically just got here. Humble yourself! Everything has been done, just not everything has been seen or spotlighted in the modern era. There is nothing new under the sun.
Old lions getting retired or going to MMA….suddenly a asshole like Ryan gets the spotlight ?
He is good though
Roid rage is real.
Yeah how many worlds did Caio win in a row? There's nothing shitty about his game. What a dick. Guess that's his way of calling Caio out. Caio's smaller but HAS tapped world class huge guys before. Bring on the super match. #WarCaio
Gordon is a biatch.
How would these new school guys like Gordon Ryan do against old school traditionalists like Roger and Kron gracie?
Gordon Ryan seems like a douche.
Gordon really is just laughably terrible at coming to terms with reality when he wants to bask in the adulation of his ass-kissers. He keeps trying to hold up how much money he makes as some kind of proof of how great he is, since his accomplishments simply do not measure up to the guys he tries to take shots at. Plus, he's literally trying to stir up shit with a roosterweight. He's throwing up some heavy autism flags for a fact. Trust me, we recognize our own.
Who wins between Caio and Nikki?
Who the fuck is that guy? #everydayporrada