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Gi or nogi? I think it depends on what your goals in training are. If you’re tra

Gi or nogi? I think it depends on what your goals in training are. If you’re training for #Fitness, do both. For #selfdefense? Do both. #MMA? nogi. For Fun? Do whichever one you find #fun! What do you think? I’ve never been good at using the lapels and sleeves for control or sweeps, but I LOVE the collar! A typical roll for me against someone who is bigger, stronger, younger, and a better overall grappler is just surviving from the bottom almost the entire time. But if you forget about your collar for a few seconds, I have a chance. Attack everything (with your instructor’s/training partner’s permission of course). Defend everything. Heel hooks should not be prohibited because you’re wearing gi pants. Day by day ????#tbt #bellevue #police #jiujitsu #tecnica #trainweeklyorfightweakly #protectbellevuedotcom

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