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Final Match #pretzoplata #Repost with ・・・ Big Congratulations to Professor an…

Final Match #pretzoplata #Repost @damian_smith_nz with @get_repost
Big Congratulations to Professor @clarkgracie and winning at 2018 no-gi worlds ? check the finish in the finals wow #clarkgracieteam #clarkgracieteamworldwide #bjj#jiujitsu#nogiworlds#clarkoplata @kicksiteonline #kickstartyourbusiness
#maedabrand #maedajiujitsu #chokerepublic #acairoots #ClarkGracie #clarkgracieteam @acairoots #maeda #jiujitsu @maedakorea #maedabrand #clarkoplata @bayviewbarbershop
#bjj #artesuave #mma #martialarts #brazilianjiujitsu #california #sandiego #westcoast

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