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Effective Strategy for Skill Growth as a BJJ Blue Belt & Beyond

Effective Strategy for Skill Growth as a BJJ Blue Belt & Beyond

What’s up guys,

So today we’ve got a question from an Ultra Heavyweight Jiu-Jitsu competitor by the name of Dan.

He’s also a Blue Belt who feels very stuck in his Jiu-Jitsu training.

He rarely feels threatened by the White Belts but finds himself getting Wrecked by the other Blue Belts & Purple Belts. This is clearly very frustrating for him.

He’s wondering how he can start to close the gap with some of the mid to higher belts.’

In the video, I’ll talk about how this is the perfect thing to happen now. Blue Belt is one of the belt levels where you’ll have a chance to learn the fastest for many reasons that I’ll go through in this video.

Hopefully, you found this helpful.

Thanks for watching.

– Chewy
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