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Earlier this year, Keenan debuted his Worm Wrestling system to the world on his …

Earlier this year, Keenan debuted his Worm Wrestling system to the world on his path to winning heavyweight gold & open class silver at the 2020 IBJJF European Championships.⠀

Keenan says that Worm wrestling is the missing link in the lapel game. The reason for that is that it plays right into your opponent’s natural reaction to other lapel guard attacks.⠀

Inside Chapter 14 of the Lapel Encyclopedia, Keenan walks you, step-by-step, through his entire worm wrestling system including the ankle wrap technique you just saw him use in the video above.⠀

Swipe Keenan’s moves and return to the mats ahead of the pack.⠀

👉Get lifetime access to the Lapel Encyclopedia now for 43% off by following the link in our bio.⠀

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