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drills on the @revgear Motion Master at the station. I use one of my uniforms t

#jiujitsu drills on the @revgear Motion Master at the station. I use one of my uniforms that has a bunch of holes in the pants (from skateboarding) and an old vest so that I can just toss them in the wash afterwards. I want to feel how the extra weight impacts movement, and torso rotation, flexion & changing direction are much harder wearing all the gear (an additional 20lbs / 9kgs). I think “Rockit” would be my choice of 🎵 to go with this if it were royalty free 😂. That was the first cassette tape I ever bought back in ‘83 and I’ve been a wannabe bboy ever since. Day by day🙏🏽🥋🚔🤙🏽. **shoes were cleaned before stepping on the mats**🙏🏽 #bellevue #police #fitness #workout #trainweeklyorfightweakly #protectbellevuedotcom

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