**Do not try this without supervision from @dongulla or @raidertactical. ** GWRAPS (Gulla’s Weapon Retention and Positional Shooting) was created by retired King County Sergeant Don Gulla to address close quarter weapon retention when the firearm is unholstered. It provides the most effective gun-out weapon retention I’ve seen and also provides a structure to deliver closer quarter shots if justified. Sgt. Gulla is a true pioneer in the DT community and has taught thousands of law enforcement officers around the world. GWRAPS has been incorporated into other outstanding #defensivetactics courses like the #graciesurvivaltactics course at @gracieuniversityhq. This was the first time I tried GWRAPS with our issued @sigsauerinc p320 pro duty pistol, and our department issued @sigsaueroptics (Romeo1 pro) and @nightsticklighting. I was worried that the raised front sight on the p320 pro would hurt my hand during the strikes but it wasn’t a problem. I used some 9mm dummy rounds (mahalo @buliwyf_actual) to ensure that I wasn’t covering the ejection port when I racked the slide. Lots of moving parts combining fine motor and gross motor motor patterns. Day by day 🤙🏽🚔⚫️🔵⚫️ **shoes were cleaned before stepping on the mats🙏🏽** #bellevue #police #selfdefense #weaponretention #fitness #firearms #trainweeklyorfightweakly #oahugrown #aiea #protectbellevuedotcom