Nate will kill Dillon. Tonon still too raw for Alvarez. Cyborg you screwed up own it and move foward, stop trying to explain your temper tantrum fight with Gordon.
It's sad to hear cyborg trying the #metoo defense. You cheated. Just say you lost your cool and cheated. Dont try to twist it into a case of defending a woman's honor or protecting your loved ones. You cheated. Ryan does mma. You could have hyped up a fight and talked him into an mma match. Ryan is pretty full of himself right now. It wouldnt have been too hard to get a fight with him. Real kings apologize without making excuses. Just say you cheated and move on. Damn.
cyborgs right. Gordon acts like he’s trying so hard to be the Conor McGregor of the jiu jitsu world. Its people like Gordon and Conor that are actually making martial arts into something horrible like a Popularity contest at a damn middle school. I haven’t heard so much shit talking like children since I was in middle school. It just seems like the fighting game is full of so many drama queens, and people that think they have to talk shit to make it to the top. It’s really sick. It’s definitely a sickness that is spreading in MMA and jiu jitsu. I like to hope that these people like Gordon and Connor will eventually run into a real martial artist that speaks with only their actions. Cough khabib cough. Seriously how many little kids do you think look up to Gordon and Connor. Especially at the IBJJF events where there are kids competing. If you don’t think there’s little kids watching these YouTube videos you’re wrong. They see all that stuff Gordon says and they think that’s just a part of the game. But it’s not it’s just a part of their stupid ass personality.
The more stories I hear about bjj "tough guys," the more I'm just like: "Oh sh!t. Only a matter of time before these meatheads start getting jumped, stabbed, &/or shot." Time to put Respecting *others back in the Martial Arts curriculum fellas.. And not just because it's good for business
I mean any sport but especially in MMA , BJJ or any combat sport you have a lovey chance to teach anyone a lesson for talking smack . A painful , physical lesson that will stay with them for long . Instead You go and slap someone in BJJ match and for most of it , avoid engaging. Gordon is full of himself , yes and on the top of the world at the moment . But Cyborg has 2 decades of experience to deal with such behaviour . Nope , he deals with it like he was even younger than Gordon(!).
Cyborg is just making excuses and sounds like an idiot. I think in grad 1 or 2 we learned that sticks and stone may break my bones but names can never hurt me. "He was really mean and rude to me so I can act like a retard! Respect is earned yo…oh u kicked my ass when I was bein a dirty bitch… but you were mean!" Il try that with the cops next time. I only punched him cause he was mean first wetards
Jiu Jitsu is a martial art. Martial arts grew from war. It grew into an art for fights, and, for some, a art of war for principle. If you verbally attach someone and and then intend to face you in a contest that has it's roots in war, and and physical combat, outside of Jiu Jitsu, you should be prepared to face the consequences. Gordon took those hits like a man. He kept his cool when the match was over. Cyborg has taken hits too. He knew attacks on his reputation that would come from those slaps. Knowing that he probably couldn't dominate Ryan in Jiu Jitsu, and aware of the consequences of his actions, it is conceivable–and should be, to many, believable–that what Cyborg did was actually a brave conscious decision to defend his principles and idea of honor. Respect to both men.
Also Dillon danis fighting a bunch of no name dudes bellators giving him false hope making him think he can actual beat high level fighters in mma fights not bjj
Cyborg, when I first saw your foul I lost some respect for you. But now, watching you justify being worse than the person who you claim is "disrespectful" has made me lose all respect for you. You can't defeat a perceived evil by being worse than it. You have to rise above it. Also, it's important to note that times change. As this sport becomes more mainstream, and more money gets tied to it, then things change. People like to see conflict before competitions. They like trash talkers. And to quote my Mother when I was four years old, "words are just words, they only have power if you let them have power". Not only did you lose the match, but you lost the war. Disgrace.
Cyborg not only wanted to win He was also mindful of teaching a “kid” (who destroyed him in mins) the IMPORTANCE OF RESPECTING OTHERS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE RESPECT by BEING DISRESPECTFUL?
that’s kinda mistaking your ELBOW from your ASS BUT IT STILL YOUR ASS
Yeah this “ The King” shits gone a bit too far. I believe Gordan is blessed and hard working, but is trying to get his name out there a bit too much already and it’s starting to show.
Cyborg continues to prove himself an amoral jerk. The 'reasons' he gives here simply underscore the childish feel he brought to this. It's all contradictions by a dummy.
This piece of shit admitted to willfully breaking the rules to harm his opponent. Should be banned for fucking life. What's next? "Well he heard yanny instead of laurel. Where I was raised this means we should break his ankle".
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Dillion would kill Nate
Nate will kill Dillon.
Tonon still too raw for Alvarez.
Cyborg you screwed up own it and move foward, stop trying to explain your temper tantrum fight with Gordon.
Cyborg was in the wrong. But Gordon seems like a douche.
Learn how to lift Eddie.
Dildo dannis is so weak sauce
Respect is getting butthurt, then starting a fight on the mats and getting DQ'ed.
BJJ would never have taken off if every fighter got hurt by words like Cyborg. Man up and handle your emotions before the match.
Fuck social media.
Lmao sounds like there are some dummies in BJJ?
It's sad to hear cyborg trying the #metoo defense. You cheated. Just say you lost your cool and cheated. Dont try to twist it into a case of defending a woman's honor or protecting your loved ones.
You cheated.
Ryan does mma. You could have hyped up a fight and talked him into an mma match. Ryan is pretty full of himself right now. It wouldnt have been too hard to get a fight with him.
Real kings apologize without making excuses. Just say you cheated and move on. Damn.
cyborgs right. Gordon acts like he’s trying so hard to be the Conor McGregor of the jiu jitsu world. Its people like Gordon and Conor that are actually making martial arts into something horrible like a Popularity contest at a damn middle school. I haven’t heard so much shit talking like children since I was in middle school. It just seems like the fighting game is full of so many drama queens, and people that think they have to talk shit to make it to the top. It’s really sick. It’s definitely a sickness that is spreading in MMA and jiu jitsu. I like to hope that these people like Gordon and Connor will eventually run into a real martial artist that speaks with only their actions. Cough khabib cough. Seriously how many little kids do you think look up to Gordon and Connor. Especially at the IBJJF events where there are kids competing. If you don’t think there’s little kids watching these YouTube videos you’re wrong. They see all that stuff Gordon says and they think that’s just a part of the game. But it’s not it’s just a part of their stupid ass personality.
Cyborgs entire rant is i this i that i i i
Losers make excuses, winners find ways
The more stories I hear about bjj "tough guys," the more I'm just like:
"Oh sh!t. Only a matter of time before these meatheads start getting jumped, stabbed, &/or shot."
Time to put Respecting *others back in the Martial Arts curriculum fellas.. And not just because it's good for business
Tonon wants no part of Eddie lmao. Eddie would pick him apart so effortlessly
I mean any sport but especially in MMA , BJJ or any combat sport you have a lovey chance to teach anyone a lesson for talking smack .
A painful , physical lesson that will stay with them for long .
Instead You go and slap someone in BJJ match and for most of it , avoid engaging.
Gordon is full of himself , yes and on the top of the world at the moment .
But Cyborg has 2 decades of experience to deal with such behaviour .
Nope , he deals with it like he was even younger than Gordon(!).
Nate would destroy Dildo
Cyborg is just making excuses and sounds like an idiot. I think in grad 1 or 2 we learned that sticks and stone may break my bones but names can never hurt me. "He was really mean and rude to me so I can act like a retard! Respect is earned yo…oh u kicked my ass when I was bein a dirty bitch… but you were mean!" Il try that with the cops next time. I only punched him cause he was mean first wetards
Dillon Danis is like Conor Mcgregor except no one likes him
Dillion Danis your only known for your big mouth not any fights stfu and prove yourself
Jiu Jitsu is a martial art. Martial arts grew from war. It grew into an art for fights, and, for some, a art of war for principle. If you verbally attach someone and and then intend to face you in a contest that has it's roots in war, and and physical combat, outside of Jiu Jitsu, you should be prepared to face the consequences. Gordon took those hits like a man. He kept his cool when the match was over. Cyborg has taken hits too. He knew attacks on his reputation that would come from those slaps. Knowing that he probably couldn't dominate Ryan in Jiu Jitsu, and aware of the consequences of his actions, it is conceivable–and should be, to many, believable–that what Cyborg did was actually a brave conscious decision to defend his principles and idea of honor. Respect to both men.
Eddie has a shitty ass clean. If his trainer thinks that is acceptable, he should be fired.
Dillon Danis will get clapped up REAL QUICK lmao Nate would pop that dude with about 9 million one twos before Dillion Danis even knew what hit him
Also Dillon danis fighting a bunch of no name dudes bellators giving him false hope making him think he can actual beat high level fighters in mma fights not bjj
So this is your answer on how to deal with disrespect people.? I am so glad that I do not look up to you.
Brazilians are more sensitive than the LGBT community when it comes to words.
Dildo Anis… Nobody likes you, and if you run into Nate, I hope you're clown looking ass is ready to fight, cuz Nate will be.
Cyborg, when I first saw your foul I lost some respect for you. But now, watching you justify being worse than the person who you claim is "disrespectful" has made me lose all respect for you. You can't defeat a perceived evil by being worse than it. You have to rise above it. Also, it's important to note that times change. As this sport becomes more mainstream, and more money gets tied to it, then things change. People like to see conflict before competitions. They like trash talkers. And to quote my Mother when I was four years old, "words are just words, they only have power if you let them have power". Not only did you lose the match, but you lost the war. Disgrace.
He don’t want none of gary
Dillon Danis is AN embarrassment the shithouse had concussion from a bitch slap from khabib.
Cyborg not only wanted to win
He was also mindful of teaching
a “kid” (who destroyed him in mins)
that’s kinda mistaking your
ELBOW from your ASS
Yeah this “ The King” shits gone a bit too far. I believe Gordan is blessed and hard working, but is trying to get his name out there a bit too much already and it’s starting to show.
Cybor gets double L's
To much ra ra from Cyborg and no a clear answer. Man up bro and just say u lost it!
Don’t be scared to say so.
Gordon Ryan is just a massive steroid abuser. At some point he will go down big time.
Cyborg continues to prove himself an amoral jerk. The 'reasons' he gives here simply underscore the childish feel he brought to this. It's all contradictions by a dummy.
This piece of shit admitted to willfully breaking the rules to harm his opponent. Should be banned for fucking life. What's next? "Well he heard yanny instead of laurel. Where I was raised this means we should break his ankle".