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Totally uncalled for… Who the fuck unloads two magazines toward that many houses?? Please train this cop or let him go!!!
I can see no marksmanship here. I see a bunch of hysterical civilians creating a haphazard hailstorm of bullets. You know you can train people to keep calm under fire?! Those cops are clearly not fit for the job…apart from the guy who only shot once, i guess.
I take it the officer wasn’t shot? The news story didn’t say.
"You need to calm the fuck down" he says to the man in complete shock.
I like the part where you said the job that law enforcement ALMOST DO!! …HaHa…SMH no need to have guns blazing..its obvious other officers where real close in the area looking for this man anyway..OVERKILL AS USUAL…BUT AS USUAL…JUSTIFIED!!! SMH SMH SMH SMFH..he was running towards another officer ..they were going to catch the fool anyway..
Adrenaline dump followed by mag dump
Great job officers they did their jobs and even tried to save this suspect after he was shot
Good job by this cop! Robber pulled gun on him! Cop knows that if he does not stop this guy , he will kill who ever gets in his way!
Does any one know what happend to the case of that bail bond agent who shot a guy in the back in front of her son
Is it me?……………………???????????????????????….@ 3:36 >3:37 the other cop says "here" 3:38 the other cop gives him something to snort?…………Really watch it…@3:38….I have noooooooo Beef with Police Officers…..In my book: Thery are AWESOME!…You'll always have someone who is a scumbag in every profession. "Better Call Saul."
Who's car is this!? Lol wow this was a cluster fuck. And the first cop who screams "show me your hands", while I know there are procedures for this type of situation, but when someone is seized up like that then they can't move. They can't think, they are in shock.
Yeah. Who cares what's behind the purp, houses, pedestrians, other cops? I'm just gonna fire wildly at a guy who's running away and keep firing after he's down. I'm a marksman, I swear.
Man thats chaotic
Not good, too many homes in the cross fire and the dude was running had his back to you.
Not happy about this one. The backdrop was not good for each officer that let off multiple shots.
5 min mark cop was very controlled and deliberate. Clear thinking.
Nice work by this department. Wow that's a lot of boots on the ground. Better than no back up.
One less dirtbag in the world.
Good job boys.
Louisville in Jefferson County and the local paper is the Courier Journal. Got to be Louisville, Kentucky and not Tenn.
Blue jacket guy is like where is the gun. Back up.
Is there a screaming banshee translator available?
Cop screamin like a scared ladyboy?
John, I realize that saying negative things about policemen can influence a civil court case against them. But really, that was wreckless shooting by at least two policemen. Hopefully no bystanders were injured.
Tens of bullet holes laying a puddle of his own blood…
Puts on cuffs
You cant rollover someone whos been shot theyll bleed out just cuff them from the front Im not a cop though so I dont know
Spanish subtitles?
bad decision, he starts to shoot pointing to a house and send a bunch of bullets on that direction and second why kill the guy? bad police job in my opinion somebody else could die that day.
Good job ? by the cop… but I kinda hate when the cop puts 10 shots in you then says roll over show me your hands… ? no way possible you can do that shit
I respect LEO's, but if you shoot a family member of mine with a stray bullet I WILL come out and engage YOU. As a retired Infantryman trust me I will put you in the fucking ground, even if your back up gets me. I wish the best for every officer but YOU volunteered for this, NEVER forget that.
The cop is out of control himself. It is not good with all that backstops, innocent people could get seriously hurt or kill in their homes. The guy has been shot and in shock but repeatedly been asked "let me see your hands and turn over" What the heck? I am not defending the bad guy but don't really like how this cop handle the situation.
Agree to Disagree on this one….. First officer definitely needs better marksmanship, back stops were a little dangerous in my opinion. and we know shooting through a windshield is pretty sketchy.
For those complaining that the officers were shooting at a fleeing man, please read up on a couple of cases and know the law.
First, in Tennessee vs. Garner the Supreme Court ruled when deadly force is reasonable in pursuit of a fleeing suspect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee_v._Garner. That standard is clearly met here.
………..Windshield shooter…………."getting in on the kill"…..fat chance those rounds found the target…..disturbing behavior. All that really matters to him is the locker room banter….."I fired too"…"I was late and not in a position to fire, but I got in on it anyway"…….he should pay for that windshield.
I know John is very pro law enforcement and that is good because i would say that is his biggest fan base. John has there been a video or scenario of an officer involved shooting where you were like that officer was TOTALLY in the wrong and should be charged with murder?
back to retraining with you!
That was way too many shots, especially from that distance and with that backstop. And the five shots through the windshield were not justified AT ALL. Do you really think you're going to hit such a small target, a guy rolling on the ground, through a windshield from like, 100 feet? You're just slinging rounds through those houses, and at that point, possibly endangering other officers with those errant deflections, not to mention that white house that caught all those rounds. This was handled poorly in a lot of ways. The concept of being responsible for every single bullet you send is totally lost on these guys. Totally out of control here, IMO.
Cop #1-Pistol OK
Cops #2-#20 had time to pull out long guns.
Just about everybody wanted to put a bullet in that guy!
not so good
I just think the first cop is too high on his emotions. Compare him to his fellow officers(They even yelled at him to calm down)
I thought the 3rd cop did an awesome thing shooting through the windshield until the lessons from John that shooting through glass will do crazy things to the trajectory of the bullet.(He could have hit his fellow officers doing that stunt)