In BJJ there is a move that inexperienced White Belts will do from dominant positions. I jokingly call it the “White Belt Hug.”
The White Belt Hug is where someone just grabs your upper body and squeezes. This typically makes it worse for the person on the bottom in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu because they are pulling the person’s weight even more down on top of them.
So now you have their top pressure combined with your arm strength pulling them down.
Now while the technique is absolutely terrible for escaping. It can be really irritating because it gets in the way and slows things down.
In this video I show a couple of simple options to counter this technique when someone is in Mount..
The 1st is a simple forearm in the throat to create a frame. Pay close attention to how I use my whole body to break the grip.
The second is a simple option where i go to S mount to setup an armbar.
Again, not a complicated technique, but this was the question I was asked so I hope this helps.
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