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Hip mobility is one of the most important elements in having a guard that is not only tough to pass, but one that is effective in attacking when going for submissions.
The ability to have mobile hips will allow for improved guard retention, improved positioning, improved submissions, and REDUCED risk of knee injury.
The hips are so important and are crucial in all aspects of BJJ. This active hip mobility sequence is not only an excellent warm-up, but it will work wonders in improving your hip mobility, leg flexibility, and will ultimately improve your jiu-jitsu while helping to reduce the risk of low back, hip, and knee injury.
If you are in the Louisville area and dealing with injuries, reach out at to see how we can help you get back to training.
More videos and exercise tips at
Check out The Jiu-Jitsu Therapist Podcast with great conversations on some big names in grappling and injury-prevention and training tips.…
Thanks to my sponsor Defense Soap. Check them out at
Check out the knee braces that I recommend for BJJ:
Instagram: the_jiujitsu_therapist
Twitter: jiujitsuPT
Tiger routine is part of our curriculum and all instructors and students must know in order to develop mobility, body awareness and be explosive. #becausewecare #weareribeiro #ribeirostrong #guerreiro6blades #flowpressurefinish #crossfit #yoga #getfit @ribeirojjlajolla @thejiujiteiro @fujisportsus @ribeirojiujitsubrasil @bjjlibrary
2018-07-27 14:17:36
How you warm-up is important to get the most out of your workout. This video focuses on how the warm-up should directly relate to what you will do in the rest of your practice. View hundreds of videos of judo, freestyle judo, Shingitai Jujitsu, sambo, submission grappling and sport jujitsu on our Youtube channel at The Welcome Mat Judo-Jujitsu Club was founded in 1969. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel if you have not done so already. Visit our web sites at http://www.WelcomeMatJudoClub, and visit our online store at Join our premium channel at Thank you for watching our video.
In this video we take you through a movement based routine for grapplers. We start with a light warm up and move into mat drills and then animal movements. These are all functional movements specifically for BJJ / grapplers. All you need is just a little mat space or outside on the sand or grass. Have fun and happy training ninjas!
These 7 movement drills are a great way to warm up the hips and legs prior to training to get you ready for BJJ. Using a band provides that light resistance to get the muscle and joints warmed up and ready to perform. Start with 30-60 seconds with each drill and progress your time as needed.
Instagram: the_jiujitsu_therapist
Twitter: jiujitsuPT
This video was recorded during a pre-training warm-up for BJJ. This is just a small portion of the mobility and flexibility work that I do as part of my injury-prevention sequence. The purpose is to get the body primed and ready to move. Good for general mobility, flexibility, and warming up the hips and legs.
Instagram: the_jiujitsu_therapist
Twitter: jiujitsuPT
In this tutorial, Thiago Rodrigues shows 5 BJJ Drills for improving hip mobility, which is essential for grappling. You can perform these solo drills by yourself, everyday, for 5-10 reps each. Whether it’s jiu-jitsu, weight lifting, or kicking, you will always be using your hips!
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If you arrive late to BJJ class and want to get warmed up quickly, then flow rolling is a great technique to try.
Its a useful way to get your body and mind tuned in and ready for BJJ. Building muscle memory, getting your tissue warmed up, and also going at a slower pace will open up and show you new things that you may have missed during a regular rolling session.
As always, listen to your body to ensure you are properly warmed up and choose a training partner who you are comfortable with.
Free shoulder health e-book and the new BJJ Warm Up Video Series
available at
Instagram: the_jiujitsu_therapist
Twitter: jiujitsuPT
Check out these insane warm-ups from Cobrinha! How do you like to warm up?
Cobrinha Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Fitness
4929 Wilshire Blvd. #104
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Very Cool BJJ Warm Up by Bernardo Faria