If you don’t train you have no clue. Props to this girl for owning this 300 lb dude 😂😂..(wtf with that throw though!?)
(Posted this last year also and it’s still just as savage)
The Best Jiu-Jitsu Search Engine in the World
If you don’t train you have no clue. Props to this girl for owning this 300 lb dude 😂😂..(wtf with that throw though!?)
(Posted this last year also and it’s still just as savage)
Want to learn how to defend the kimura … and your neck? Visit rickson.academy for more!
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WANT TO LEARN FROM KAMA JIU-JITSU? – Check Out Our NEW Online Training Memberships! – http://kamajiujitsuonline.com
Want to have an official Kama shirt! Take a look at our Teespring store!
Need advice or tips on Jiu-Jitsu or running a martial arts school? Visit this link below to be able to talk directly with Ryan!
– https://clarity.fm/ryanyoung –
Wanna try our Jiu Jitsu in person? We service the Orange County, CA, Dallas/Fort Worth & Austin Texas areas teaching adult, children, women, and advanced classes. Contact us today for more info!
Try these great premium belts and Gis from KAATARO! Strong and great looking!
Some Amazing Books:
The Gracie Diet Revised Edition: https://amzn.to/3boKM2v
Gracie Jiu-Jitsu book: https://amzn.to/37iN9m3
The Carnivore Code : https://amzn.to/3tVM4u2
The Carnivore Diet: https://amzn.to/3pnNb2m
The Canon of Judo: https://amzn.to/3dizqQa
Kodokan Judo: https://amzn.to/3boM4KT
Or just need some general items? Purchasing from these links will help us out!
Jiu-Jitsu Gis – http://www.kamajiujitsu.com/gis
Finger Tape – http://www.kamajiujitsu.com/fingertape
Athletic Tape -http://www.kamajiujitsu.com/athletictape
Rash Guard Shirt – http://www.kamajiujitsu.com/rashguard
Water Bottle – http://www.kamajiujitsu.com/waterbottle
Gym Bag – http://www.kamajiujitsu.com/gymbag
Kettle & FIRE: https://amzn.to/3bbCXNg
Beef Bone Broth: https://amzn.to/3tXr1Yh
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Trademarked Slogans (NO use without written permission and license):
⛔️Kama Jiu-Jitsu ®
I sin better than I live perfectly, yet I still praise Jesus.
I have friends that are gay, and I still love Jesus.
Some of my best friends are Muslim, and I still love Jesus.
Some people I believe you should never agress, some people I believe violence is the answer.
Some days I’m happy, some days I’m sad.
This world has made me complex, depressed, happy, angry, and peaceful.
I’m a walking contradiction, but I’m the realest.
When I leave this earth I will accept any fate God chooses for me, whether it be to suffer eternally or live in paradise, I will accept my fate.
I love my supporters, and thank you for trying to understand me.
Thank you to my boy @jtlissphotoart for this amazing shirt.
People often ask me how I got my black belt in 3 years. In addition to the amount of work I put on the mat, I put equal amount of time in studying and evolving my mind. This is important and why at Caio Terra Online I don’t just teach techniques of a world champion, I try to teach you to think like a world champion.
By showing you the what’s going through my mind and the thought process you can better understand the concepts. In the end it’s always the why that makes the bigger difference then the how.
As pessoas sempre me perguntam como eu peguei a faixa preta em 3 anos. Além das muitas horas de dedicação no tatame, eu coloquei o mesmo empenho em estudar e evoluir a minha mente. Isso é muito importante e o motivo de eu tentar ensinar mais do que técnicas de um campeão mundial, e sim como pensar como um campeão mundial.
Mostrando o que se passa pela minha mente em determinadas situações e o motivo das minhas reações, fica mais fácil pra você entender o conceito de cada detalhe. No fim é sempre o “por que” que faz a grande diferença, não o “como”.
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Literally never expected to take part in giving a tattoo at one of my seminars 🤣🤣.
My affilates @grind_jj_club_, @jrrosalesmando, @thespencercooper, and @jew_of_war decided to get my Logo tattooed on them!!!
Crazy Matt, a Sergeant Major in the Army, who is leaving for Germany in a month to take charge of a Battalion of hundreds of troops wanted me to color in some of his tattoo!!!
Amazing!! 🤣🤣
Aqui vai um muito obrigado ao meu time, sem vocês não teria conseguido essa vitória! Vídeo feito pelo Mário Neto🙏🏼
Here’s a big thank to my team, without you guys I wouldn’t have achieved this victory! 🙏🏼 @manosantanakarateig @db_dezan @aliabdelaziz000 @jwill1224 @thibjj @luucasalexaander @leohabib_ @capitulinomma @facadamma @donavonxhedrick @jordanmoremma @bubbascheffel170 @dominance_mma @fusionxcelperformance
Acabou de ser vacinado pelo Ministro Marcelo Queiroga com a AstraZeneca/Fiocruz, produzida no Rio de Janeiro, eficaz e bem mais barata que a de outros fabricantes. Obrigado ao “negacionista” @jairbolsonaro por garantir a vacina nos braços de todos os brasileiros @flaviobolsonaro
Here is a flow match with @jaidyn_mueller and @sophiacassellabjj. Jaidyn moved from Colorado to train with me full time. She is also one of my kids coaches, zero doubt she will run a successful @tomdeblassbjj school one day.
@sophiacassellabjj travels to me weekly to train with her boyfriend @yadimarco, who runs @immortalsjiujitsu with @koolrak.
They also both train under @jasonraubjj89 and Serra BJJ.
Competitively, I have stood where they hope and expect to stand, and I know they can achieve the same and more if they stay resilient.
One thing I try to instill in all of my students, any form of Combat is essentially an art, be mindful and make it beautiful.