Craig Jones with Z – guard to Heel Hook
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Galvao vs Calasans.
Claudio Calasans won the 2015 ADCC Absolute in Brazil representing team Atos. First time in the history that a team closed out the super fight! Atos vs Atos. Because of that, a lot of people didn’t bring the hype, everyone thought that we wouldn’t fight…until we try “to kill” 😅each other.
I have a lot of respect ✊🏽 for @claudiocalasansjr because he’s family is also my family, his father SENSEI @calasanscamargo gave me judo free tuition (to train at his academy) + my very first kimono (gi).
Calasans and I used to play futebol and video game together when we were little kids. He was one of my best friends during my childhood. I will be forever grateful for everything!
…the best way to show respect towards someone you fight is giving your best 100%. I learned that from SENSEI Calasans. We definitely did it! People thought we would go easy, but we didn’t…we train hard and we fought hard because we respect each other!
After winning this match I became the ADCC super fight record holder with most victories and greatest super fight score board record (14-0). It was a very special moment in my career.
I trained a lot for this fight! It was a crazy training camp. Always super thankful for all people involved. Family, wife, students, coaches, friends, staff…
I thank God for everything! #Jesus #Blessed #Life #6x #Legacy
Galvão vs Calasans.
Claudio Calasans conquistou o ADCC Absolute 2015 no Brasil representando a equipe Atos. Primeira vez na história que um time fechou a superluta! Atos contra Atos. Por causa disso, muita gente não acreditou, todos pensaram que não iríamos lutar de verdade… até que quase “matamos” um e outro.
Tenho muito respeito ✊🏽 por @claudiocalasansjr porque a família dele também é minha família, seu pai SENSEI @calasanscamargo me deu aulas (mensalidade) gratuita de judô (para treinar em sua academia) + meu primeiro quimono (kimono).
Calasans e eu costumávamos jogar futebol e videogame quando éramos crianças. Ele foi um dos meus melhores amigos durante a minha infância. Serei eternamente grato por tud✊🏽