Monday Movement 🤼♂️ @shoyoroll
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studying jiu jitsu vs just practicing – theres a huge difference in results if you compare those athletes who are totally committed to study techniques, understand details and develop systems vs those who are just natural fighters who battle to win at any cost. at young age both can work well, but overtime you will see the first scenario producing consistent champions, great instructors, and people that are able to reap the fruits of the skills they developed during their grow in jiu jitsu.
as an instructor I teach people how to analyze situations and find answers, I never show the solution because in jiu jitsu every problem given is unique – I teach the students how to approach the match understanding different scenarios and to forecast the opponents most likely reactions so they can be creative in their own way and build their own style.
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estudar jiu jitsu vs apenas praticar – há uma grande diferença de resultados se você comparar os atletas que estão totalmente comprometidos em estudar técnicas, entender detalhes e desenvolver sistemas vs aqueles que são apenas lutadores naturais que lutam para vencer a qualquer custo. enquanto jovem ambos podem funcionar bem, mas com o tempo você verá o primeiro cenário produzindo campeões consistentes, ótimos instrutores e pessoas que são capazes de colher os frutos das habilidades que desenvolveram durante seu crescimento no jiu jitsu. como instrutor, ensino as pessoas a analisar situações e encontrar respostas, nunca mostro a solução porque no jiu jitsu cada problema dado é único – ensino os alunos como abordar a luta entendendo diferentes cenários e prever as reações mais prováveis dos oponentes, assim eles podem ser criativos à sua própria maneira e construir seu próprio estilo.
Everyone is striving for success, but who is striving to be happy? I got news for you, you cannot buy happiness. Find out what makes you happy and stay in that moment. Find what makes you feel euphoric, because you absolutely deserve it. Start believing in yourself, and believe that YOU DESERVE HAPPINESS.
I would love to invite Everyone to come watch me and my Team This Friday at @f2wbjj in Miami FL or Through @flograppling. Time to bring the Heat to Miami 🔥🔥 let’s Go!!!
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Huge news coming up on the next video. Be on the look out!
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With the endless number of BJJ technique videos out there. How useful are they for your live training when you get to the gym? This is the question from Amir who wants to know how valuable videos are for his Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.
In this video I give some ideas to consider both from my experience as a coach teaching students and even from my experience as a student who used videos to improve (this one is a story about me as a BJJ White Belt watching videos to hit a slick armbar in training.)
All of this is to explain that BJJ videos (technique or otherwise) can help increase your overall BJJ IQ and help you learn inside your gym faster. Another idea I picked up from a great courses lecture is about how watching videos and even doing mental reps could help you do real physical reps better later on.
Anyways, hopefully the information in the video will give you some useful ideas to chew on for your own Brazilian Jiujitsu training.
Thanks for watching!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Let’s start the week strong! New class available at #ricksonacademy #ricksongracie #jiujitsu #jiujitsulife #jiujitsuparatodos #jiujitsu4life
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