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Opponent Counters Roll, Take the Back by Gordon Ryan – BJJ Training
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The Excalibur Diabolus in Machina, a ousadia da relojoaria em meio a um design caótico e hipnotizante…. Eu particularmente adorei.
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This video I talk about the balance between using strength in Jiu Jitsu compared to using technique. The difficulty in jiu jitsu is that you need to use technique, but technique doesn’t work unless you use it with full force. I discuss few different ways you can try to bridge the gap in this video.
Any seasoned grappler knows that passing a tough opponent’s guard is only half the battle. You also need to be able to stabilize the pass and secure the position, which can sometimes be a very hard thing to do.⠀
So I present to you a grip combination that, when secured, gives your opponent very little hope of being able to turn away from you OR into you and can quickly exhaust your opponent, all while you have to spend very little energy.⠀
👉For more of my Performance Enhancing Details (PEDs), check out the Recent Uploads section of Keenan Online through Jiu Jitsu X.⠀
👆Sign up to Keenan Online through JiuJitsu X and get started today.⠀
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In today’s video I go through my gym bag and show you the things I bring with me to BJJ training. This video is in response to a lot of questions I’ve gotten from a lot of White Belts in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu who are curious about what they should bring with them to training.
I include the normal stuff that you’re probably familiar with. But I also include a few things thats maybe you don’t know about or didn’t think of.
If you see me talk about the Stnky bag in the video and want to check it out. Look them up at and use the promo code Chewjitsu at checkout for a discount.
Gameness bag in the video:
A solid carb powder for hard workouts:
Tea tree oil:
Grip strengthener resistance band:
Hope the video helps!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
When people are playing from the guard it’s WAY too common that they just let their opponents get whatever grip they want. Once they’ve given the other guy the grips they’re now on the defensive and have to fight out of whatever passing position they end up in.
That’s why the first thing you should do when you end up in the guard is to gripfight like crazy. Whoever dominates the grips is probably going to dominate the match.
Conceding the initial grip is a HUGE mistake, because gripfighting is the cheatcode for dominating the guard. There’s just no other skill that gives you as much bang for your buck in jiu-jitsu as gripfighing.
Gripfighting is something that everyone at the elite level does. It determines world championships but the skill itself is rarely taught in jiu-jitsu class.
Getting good at establishing your preferred grip is the secret to dominating bigger guys. Some gymbro might bench 300 lbs, but if he can’t get a good grip on you with his hands then he won’t be able to use all that strength to manhandle you.
Also gripfighting is an almost perfect way to prevent guard passes because if you get dominant grips then you control the match and can shut down almost all of the other guy’s offense.
But many people are completely lost when it comes to gripfighting. They just don’t know what to do first, what to do second, and what positions are best.
Like I said, this isn’t often taught in class, which is why Rob Biernacki and I made an entire instructional about it.
In The Gripfighting and Kuzushi Formula ( you’ll learn step-by-step gameplans to break your opponent’s grips and get dominant grips of your own.
These are proven sequences and strategies to control your opponent, set up your offence, and win the guard battle in both gi and no gi.
This new instructional will be incredibly useful for you, comes at a reduced introductory price, is 100% guaranteed, and right now it comes with a ton of extra material.
Check it out here:
Stephan Kesting
CHAINING ⛓ THE 3 BOXES 📦 TOGETHER // In all my seminars and instructionals I discuss this topic but it’s a perfect example of it in this match! In guard there are 3 boxes of things you can do (attack submissions, sweep, and taking the back) Everytime we attack one of these boxes our opponent defends that 📦 giving us one of the other two boxes. In Jiu jitsu you will see many people become stubborn in one of these boxes. The secret is to attack all 3 boxes at once. Every time you are switching between boxes, it becomes extremely difficult for your opponent to defend all 3 at once. Here I begin to attack a submission on my partner. My partner defends the submission. By defending the submission he made me change boxes to sweeping him! But now when we sweep him we don’t just go into his guard. Always whenever you sweep someone you make it an advantageous position to sweep them into. Notice how I use the footlock grip to stuff his toes inside my legs. This is one of my favorite entries to coming on top, because of the fact how I just eliminated frames from their guard making them more reliant on pushing me away with their arms. Now from there it’s PRESSÃO (in a Murilo voice 😍😂).
🇧🇷 Combinando as 3 caixas // No jiu jitsu a gente tem 3 caixas na guarda. (Atacando o finalizado, raspando, e atacando as costas) um grande problema q vc vai ver no jiu jitsu uma pessoa vai atacar um das caixas mas ele vai ficar dessa caixa. Toda vez q tu tá atacando uma caixa e o seu adversário defende dessa caixa Agr é mto fácil pra atacar uma caixa diferente. Nesse vídeo tô atacando a caixa do finalizado o meu adversário defendeu a caixa me deu a caixa de raspar agr. Mas um conceito outro q fiz aqui. Qdo faço um raspado quero q vc veja nunca subo numa posição neutral. Sempre tenta pra subir numa posição q vc já tem uma vantagem. Vcs tão ligado?! 👀😂 espero q esse conceito faz sentido em português tb 🤷🏻♂️❤️❤️ kkk.
Maanantain tekniikoita osa 2. #wormguard #wormguardsweep #bjj #bjjmom #keisarijujutsu #mmaimatra #bjjmom #viidenäiti #motheroffive #bjjgirls
2 modern jiu jitsu icons fought it out at the IBJJF Orlando Open Absolute final this past weekend.🚀🚀
This isn’t the first time Michael Liera Jr. & Renato Canuto lit up the competitive mats, it’s always a guaranteed crowd pleaser.⚡
⏳Years ago, if you wished to learn more from the black belts that medal at tournaments you’d have to travel to their gym in hope you might get to squeeze a round and a private lesson with them which would require you to dig deep in your pockets OR you’d have to buy their VHS tape and watch it in 144p. 📼
Technology improved, and we did too. Both Liera and Canuto have courses on Jiu Jitsu X where you can enroll in and learn from… IMMEDIATELY! Courses are recorded in crispy 4K and structured for an efficient learning experience.
👉Follow the link in our bio to enroll in Liera’s and Canuto’s courses now and send your jiu jitsu skills to the moon. (Renato’s course is 50% OFF right now.)
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What’s up guys! In this TMG Clips Video, we go over a great back escape into a darce choke. The full video will be in the link down below, enjoy!
Full Video:
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The NextLevelGuy Podcast with Coach Brian Peterson has been released!! Check it out!