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Campeão peso e absoluto do International de Masters ensina como passar e pegar as costas no Jiu-Jitsu.
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Feliz dia dos Pais Veio, Sem voce nao seria nada do que sou. Obrigado Pai por voce ter sido meu verdadeiro Heroi e a pessoa em que sempre me espelhei em ser, se um dia eu for metade do homem que voce é serei o cara mais feliz do mundo.
Muito obrigado por ser meu melhor amigo, melhor pai, maior incentivador e por sempre acreditar em mim ate mesmo quando eu achava que voce estava louco das ideias hahaha.
Te amo Pai voce e o cara, logo mais estou pra comermos aquela pipoca e assistir o Dvd do Fabio Jr. Que voce tanto gosta haHaha.
Happy Father’s day Old guy haha, I love you Dad , you’re the MAN.
Qual a maneira correta e mais simples de começar a Dieta Gracie? Perguntamos ao mestre Rorion Gracie e ele nos deu esta aula.
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This is an effective application of Ogoshi (Major Hip Throw) that is not often seen or used. This type of throw shows that knee drop attacks don’t have to be limited to Seoi Nage or sleeve grip throws. Demonstration by Derrick Darling and Mike Pennington with Steve Scott coaching.
In Memory of SFC Orlando Diaz.
On 26 July 2014, the world lost a husband, father, brother, soldier, teammate and great guy. Orlando will be greatly missed on the mats. He was an integral member of our team and it was a pleasure training with him.
In memory of Orlando, Kris Kim demonstrated three triangle choke attacks which was a speciality of Orlando’s.
God bless brother. You will be missed.
Check out JT Torres “Passing, Back Takes & Finishes”
Carol Gracie is back to tell you what’s inside GRACIEMAG #209. We went after JT Torres and Guto Campos for an ultimate guide on the most controversial guard in Jiu-Jitsu today. Cursed by many and beloved by others, the 50/50 is always creating a buzz. Watch the preview to see what else is inside and subscribe now!
Ostap Manastyrski and Elliott Bayev share some tips for breaking open the closed guard.
More Elliott and Ostap at
More Stephan at
Download Stephan’s free guide to learning BJJ fast at
Brad Jackson shows a technique to defeat the knee shield with a strong grip in the collar.
Erick Jordan
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt
Judo Black Belt
Ichiban MMA
24 Sardis Rd. Ste B Asheville, NC 28806
(828) 423-0662
Faixa-preta da Nova União, André Marola mostra sua maneira preferida de abrir a guarda fechada e passar.
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Leandro Brassoloto e o jogo de guarda com a lapela
If your arm gets trapped in the guard it can be very difficult to
survive. In this video, Gracie Ohio instructor Robin Gieseler, shows a
few simple escape methods.
Music Credits:
“Tafi Maradi” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0