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Your contribution is much appreciated and will help me continue to bring you content! ? This video demonstrates my preferred way of locking a single leg. This is the Oklahoma State/John Smith way of doing it which I think is the most technical. Check out the details and you are sure to find something useful! Enjoy! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please comment below. More videos to come! Please like, share, and subscribe!!
Confira mais uma excelente técnica com o grande campeão. O detalhe do ajuste na manga é o melhor.
“Roger Gracie teaches you to apply an Ezekiel in the back!”
The High Elbow Guillotine by John Danaher
Confira mais uma excelente técnica com o grande campeão. O detalhe do ajuste na manga é o melhor.
Rolling armbar from guard
I know.. I know you can take the simpler path of going for the reverse armbar. It’s safer and simpler. You can go for the Kimura, Reverse Kimura, Omoplata, back take, gift wrap. I know, they are all simpler.
Why did I choose one of the more complex paths from this position? Because it’s FUN!
I implore you! Have fun!
Yes, BJJ is a practical martial art, a method of self defense, a tough competitive sport.. But it’s also fun!
Don’t forget to explore, to dare, to test your limits, to think outside the box, to enjoy your journey, not only the journey’s fruits.
#bjj #fun #grappling #nogi #wrestling #judo #mma #jiujitsu #armbar #guard #adcc #ibjjf #martialarts #graciejiujitsu #bjjlife #timurabjj
2018-09-14 11:38:38