The Best Jiu-Jitsu Search Engine in the World
Sorry for being gone for some time but I spent 20 days of September travelling and catching up back was hard.
Anyway here is the video this week.
Ashi-guruma set up from an armtrap, seoi-nage as a follow up, should the opponent rip his arm out. Also, Kayla does a bit of stunt riding with her horse. Check it out.
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Em aula exclusiva para GRACIEMAG, com images de Raphael Nogueira, o professor Fernando Tererê mostra os detalhes da sua queda mais famosa, a “Safada”, desde sua criação até as adaptações para manter a mesma efetiva ao longo dos anos.
Veja em detalhes no !
Cold Funk – Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Contra-ataque no single leg, caindo no leglock . #JiuJitsu_Style
Kimura From Turtle Guard (Catch Wrestling Style) by Neil Melanson
Click Here To Check Out John Danaher’s Instructional Videos –
This sacrifice throw helped Kit win the Brazilian Nationals and Abu Dhabi World Pro as a a purple belt.
This video demonstrates what he did and why it works.