Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Nice to be back on the mats in that summer heat. This year has kicked of already challenging injury management for longevity and consistency. The beauty of studying and shifting your career towards education on injury mitigation and high performance makes you the perfect test dummy. Because I need to get it right before I can teach with true confidence and “when I teach it I get to learnt it twice” (@jimkwik). #injury #injuryprevention
#Repost @eojlife
1ST KIMONO CLASS FOR THE YEAR?????? 40d+ #melting #eastocean #eojlife #islandjiujitsu #wet #jiujitsu #gisborne #liveittrainit #eoj #kimono #beaboutit #bjj #whitetoblack #liveittrainit #beaboutit #wormguard #tatami #jiujitssavedmylife #jiujitsulifestyle #competitors #medalchasers #healthylife #community #artofjiujitsu #moist #submiteveryone #aotearoa #gissygrapplers #grapplers
Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
?♂️QUINTA-FEIRA DIA DE #TBT – vamos voltar um pouquinho no tempo, precisamente pra 24/08/2018, quando nosso mestre @vovo_garotto deu aquele belo “lapela-guruma” no Mundial (e finalizou no arco-e-flecha de lapela também)! É o brilho do origami-jitsu do Vovô ??
FALANDO NISSO ? Terça-feira dia 15/01 TEM SEMINÁRIO! O mestre vai destrinchar a guarda de lapela do @keenancornelius, mais conhecida como #wormguard. Serão 3h de seminário pra você aprender todos os segredos dessa guarda e variações (raspagens, finalizações e pegada das costas).
? O seminário é ABERTO para todas as equipes, valores a partir de R$ 60 (aceita cartão de crédito ? )
? O evento vai acontecer na Moinhos Fitness do Walmart (Av. Sertório, 6600)
? E aí, vai perder?
#jogodelapela #jogosvorazes #kataguruma #worldmasters2018 #tbthursday #bestdays #memories #vovogarotto #jiujitsu #bjjtechnique #lapelaguruma #soulfighters #portoalegre #imperiodaluta #impériodaluta #bjjlifestyle
Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?
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