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Survivability, Effectiveness, and Efficiency are some of the most important principles in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Incorporate these principles wherever you are in the jiu-jitsu journey for daily motivation in your training.
It sure doesn’t hurt that the Japanese women’s judo team, which is the best newaza (ground fighting) judo team in the world, cross trains Jiu-Jitsu ????
This episode focuses on the importance of posture and controlling space when in the top position of Newaza.
View hundreds of videos of judo, freestyle judo, Shingitai Jujitsu, sambo, submission grappling and sport jujitsu on our Youtube channel.
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Music for the Freestyle Judo show provided by YouTube Copyright Free Audio featuring “Fiend” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks and “All This Down Time” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks.
Visit our club web site at http://www.WelcomeMatJudoClub.
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BERIMBOLO BÁSICO ?? @graciemagoficial // Ensinando em português!!! Fala galera aqui to ensinando como eu gosto de fazer o berimbolo básico com o @caioterrabjj . O meu português está melhorando né ? ? @venum
Arm-in Guillotine > 100% > Truck > Calf slicer.
A bit out of my comfort zone, but I always like to explore other styles and games in order to broaden my view and knowledge of BJJ.
That’s why I try to show my advanced students other styles, even when it’s not something that I have explored for years, so that my students would be able to see what style fits their game and personalities and give them the tools to continue the exploration on their own.
Something out of the style of @eddiebravo10p @freakahzoidtfs
#bjj #mma #truck #calfslicer #jiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu #10thplanet #10p #grappling #nogi #guillotine #wrestling #ufc #eddiebravo
Grip strength and grip endurance is a big question for people getting into Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
I’ve received questions from countless BJJ practitioners about how to build better grip strength because during their matches or rolls in the gym they feel like their grip goes out.
Today’s question comes from KevMed who says that despite weight lifting. He lacks grip strength when he is training Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
In this video I briefly touch on the idea of building stronger grips and focus more on how to make your grips last longer as a White Belt.
As a White Belt I can almost guarantee that KevMed is grabbing everything with a death grip.
I say this because I know as a BJJ White Belt. . . I did. And as a coach I see this over and over again with my new White Belts.
The newer people in the gym will hold grips as tight as they can and will wear their hands out in a minute or so and then are left with nothing.
So if you’re a newer White Belt or someone who just finds themselves gripping everything as tight as possible. Then I hope this tip is helpful!
Free Ebook: http://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-jitsu-13-page-ebook/
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T shirts: http://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/
Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com
If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Part 2 from the same squid guard sequence, this time, transitioning to 50/50 position!
I don’t use this technique often, but if I’m looking to slow down an aggressive guard passer or looking to find a position to rest for a bit, this is my go to! .
Drill it and let me know how it works for you!! OSS! ??
#jiujitsu #bjj #bjjlifestyle #drilltowin #bjjtechnique #techniqueconquersall #bjjtraining #alwaysimproving #growthmindset #squidguard #5050guard #teaching #jiujitsustrategy
Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu Team Wednesday grind at @fisiopro1 . Many rounds working on the “gas gas” !!!! @ibjjf Europeans we are coming strong!!!!!
#ribeirojiujitsu #6blades #ibjjfeuropeans2019 #ribeirostrong #sandiego #fitness #workout #jiujitsu #bjj @fujisportsus @bjjlibrary @unijjsd @sensei6blades @xanderibeirojj @gustavodiasjj @victorhugojj @ivan.carmosino @ribeirojiujitsubrasil ? by @axenzo