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The Toreando Pass in BJJ is one of the most basic passes people learn early on. That said it can still be effective at a higher level if used well.
There are a number of high level competitors with strong guard passing who use the Toreando pass as part of their arsenal.
And with just about any BJJ technique there are a lot of variations and different grips to be used. And the Toreando / Bullfighter Pass in BJJ is no different.
And so in this video I share some ideas on this basic guard pass. Which is in response to a question I received from Youtube.
So if you’re someone using the guard pass in your Brazilian Jiujitsu training or competitions then I hope this video is useful to you.
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My student @ronaldojuniorbjj ? at Pan 2019 >>> || Brown Belt Medium Heavy Champ ? —-
Speed Drill Guard Pass; Pressure; Windshield Wiper Foot Work; Submissions, Transitions ?? #AtosOnline ? @flograppling
How I view guard vs passing. From guard you are looking for specific grips ideally for you best sweeps and subs. But from you kinda just have to run at them and be aggressive and take what you can get. The moves from passing all chain together so well, you can just go balls to the wall if you have a good flow. But, from guard if you mess up you usually can’t transition super smoothly into another sweep when one fails. You have to reset and try the same sweep or different one. With the exception of berimbolo attacks. Which can flow pretty hard, if you know what you are doing, which about 6 or 7 people in the world actually know what they are doing. You know what, side track for a second, all you idiots tagging me saying berimbolo works. Homie, berimbolo doesn’t work for YOU because you suck. Levi, Mikey , Essen, tommy, both miyaos, and Jonatha and one or 2 purple belts, actually know the entire berimbolo system and can flow with it and wreck shop. They rest of you are wasting your time because unless you have about 9 years to dedicate to that style you aren’t ever going to understand it. It’s way more complex and requires a crazy amount of dexterity talent and skill. you all should just stick to something easy that can be effective for anyone if you want to do well. @hyperfly
About time to put the Gi on and Defend the house at @f2wbjj main event!! Expect a battle ?? If you are FL come watch live or abroad through @flograppling ??⚡️ Chegando a hora de botar o Kimono e fazer aquela forcinha de Kimono na luta principal do @f2wbjj ?? Pronto pra guerra!! Assistam no @flograppling ??⚡️#defendthehouse #fightsportsmiami #cyborgbjj