The Easy Way To Set Up Gogoplata-> Nasty gogoplata (DM for credit) @jiujitsu_…
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Aprenda essa chave de pé dentro da guarda lasso com o Professor Milton Negreiros do Dojo Império do Sol – Ricardo Cavalcanti BJJ team – Cidade 2000 , Fortaleza , CE , Brasil / learn this amazing foot lock inside of lasso Guard with Professor Milton Negreiros form RIcardo Cavalcanti BJJ Cidade 2000 Fortaleza , CE , Brazil .
As much as people hate to accept the fact that things change and evolve. I personally welcome it and do my best to adapt. Which is why im very open to big changes with things I think will progress Jiujitsu forward even more. Keenanonline 3.0 is here. Fully systemized.