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The last technique we showed was something simple everyone should know. More often then not, however, you’ll find your opponent will drive into to clear the elbow and relieve pressure. This reaction sets you up to hit a perfect sweep straight to mount.
We’ve been filming more content than ever and have uploaded a lot of videos to Keenan Online. Be sure to check out the latest uploads to see what we’re working on at @legion_ajj
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video do meu aluno @coleabatejj de 15 anos ensinando uma técnica que ele gosta de fazer em português. quando morávamos no Brasil sempre tentávamos assistir videos de atletas que ja falavam ingles mostrando técnicas para tentarmos aprender um pouco, nunca fizemos curso ou tivemos professores de inglês, e o jiu jitsu e a necessidade do aprendizado para os objetivos que tínhamos na nossa carreira nos fez buscar essa evolução. Cole nunca fez aulas também, mas esta sempre me perguntando se o que ele diz esta certo, errado, ou se existe maneiras diferentes de falar. A constante busca pela evolução, não somente no tatame, é o que nos motiva. Nunca se contente com a zona de conforto, nada de extraordinário acontece lá.
video of my student @coleabatejj 15 years old teaching a technique in Portuguese. When we were teenagers leaving in Brazil we would watch videos of athletes that speak english and try to recognize words and learn them. We never had an english professor and we’ve never been to english classes. Jiu Jitsu and the desire to improve an area that would effect the amount of opportunities that we would have in our careers were the main factors that pushed us to learn it, just like others. Like we did when we first moved to US, Cole is always asking me if his Portuguese is right, what is wrong and what he can improve. the constant search for improvements on and off the mat is what will always give us opportunities in our careers. Don’t stay in the comfort zone, nothing great happens there.
Ashi-Garami (leg locks) are the latest “craze” in the grappling world… why? Because they work! But navigating lower limb attacks can be intimidating and even dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing… I recommend always starting to learn and integrate these attacks early into your game. But where to start? In this BoneBreaker essentials video we cover the building blocks of the toe hold, knee bar, straight leg locks, heel hooks, Imanari rolls and more. Link in bio to learn more. On sale this weekend only for $9.99. -Oss-
Situational awareness can fail. It’s something we all obviously need to practice and prioritize, but for many reasons it can fail. So it’s crucial that we have the ability and technical training to get us to a safe position in dangerous conditions. This particular instance we are focused on in this video centers around how to get back to your feet safely at various levels of lateness in recognizing the threat of a standing aggressor.
Anya and I explore three different ways to safely and technical stand up versus a standing opponent. Each of these options work in sportive, as well as self defense environments with slight modifications. These are all able to be drilled with intensity, and safely should be for any hope of developing proficiency.
Big Thanks to Musa Visual Media, LLC for the awesome video work on this one!
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Ryron and I are on vacation in the Maldives, and we couldn’t resist sharing this gold nugget!
The Hard Rock Hotel is the first 5-Star jiu-jitsu resort in the world! BJJ is one of the regular daily activities for guests and staff members. The general manager, Tolga Unan so eagerly wants people to train with that he agreed to give CRAZY discounts/upgrades to any jiu-jitsu family members who visit the hotel in 2020. For the super family hookup details, visit
If you’re not going to the Maldives, kick your new year off with Gracie Jiu-Jitsu at one of over 160 Certified Schools around the world! Find a school at – tell them Ryron and Rener sent you!
Free women’s self defense seminar on Saturday, January 11, 2020 in Torrance and at select schools worldwide. Save your spot at
#meiaguarda #simples
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Revolution Brazilian Jiu Jitsu strives to produce extremely concise, entertaining, informative grappling instructional videos. We hope you’ve enjoyed this quick clip. If you did, please show us a little bit of love by subscribing.
If you’re in the Richmond, VA area, and would like to find out more about our facility, just visit us on the web:
Revolution BJJ
2125 Staples Mill Road
Richmond VA 23230
(804) 657-7461
Here are some advanced details and concepts that will make escaping side control in BJJ so much easier courtesy of Thomas Lisboa. Check out if you’re interested in BJJ but don’t know where to start; it’s my now infamous free guide to learning the sport as fast as possible.
And while I have your attention, here are some of my other social media links…
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Good luck with your training!
Mess with the Mando get the force of the Hando
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