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There are many ways to use the Lockdown. As explained in this video, this is when we face the same side as our Half Guard without a leg in hand like #ElectricChair. Like all #LockdownSweeps the 5-0 rescues us from a bad bottom position to a sweep with a pass and even sub options
Want me to give you a powerful and advanced lesson for your BJJ game that is also ultra simple? In the video I do just that.
Now it’s a lesson that can be used at anytime in your grappling training but it’s often overlooked. It’s also a training technique that most people will avoid due to discomfort. But with that said, it’s a lesson that has radically changed multiple aspects of my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu game and led to more submissions, smoother guard passing and more back takes.
That lesson is. . . take the techniques you know well and do them to the other side.
Now some of you are probably on the other end of this message upset itching to unsubscribe because you were expecting some super secret ninja thing. Well, you can always unsubscribe, the button is there.
But for those of you who are still reading, watch the video and I’ll explain why it’s so powerful.
Hope the video is useful for you.
Thanks for watching!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
The Double Sleeve Control is my favorite open guard to teach to beginners. The basic leg past body position I show in this video is relatively simple to control, difficult to get out of, and is great for learning to transition to any other open guard. Strong Open guard basics is what leads to good opening for advance techniques like Berimbolo, Matrix, Back Takes, and more modern guards. This video I focus on the basics of control and my next video will go more in depth on attacks.
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IG: @JonThomasBJJ
Instructional Content on Grapplers Guide
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This is a small clip from my free series on how to stop getting crushed from the bottom positions in Jiu Jitsu. As a beginner, or often even intermediate, level player you’re gonna find this piece of advice to be absolutely crucial.
If you’d like to see this entire 4 video course, it’s totally free. Just head over to and enter your email
As always, y’all feel free to hit me with questions or comments below and I’ll do my best to help however I can.
Brandon Mccaghren of 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu in Decatur Alabama.
10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Decatur
108 Lenwood Road Southeast
Decatur AL 35603
To be inspired is great but to inspire is an honor.- Unknown
I’ve competed against this competitor and used my new game on her a couple times on competition. It’s great to see how it inspired her to try it out on the big stage. I’ve been learning this system for months, it’s not something that you can do in weeks. I still have a lot of work to do and day 1 begins today to continue improve it.
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