How to shutdown the berimbolo with leg attacks by Tom deblass
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This situation is causing many to feel hopeless, I assure you there is hope. In this time however, there is literally one thing we can control, that is our mental approach to all of this. We will be so much happier and stronger when this passes. It won’t come without a fight, but we are built for war!
#Repost @patbeven
Très heureux de vous annoncer la sortie de ma webserie !
Rdv ce jeudi 26 mars pour le 1er épisode, j’espère que ça vous plaira… 😃🤙🏾
Merci à toutes les personnes qui ont rendu ce projet possible…❤️/ Don’t miss my first episode of my Webserie Thursday 26 thank you so much to everyone that make this project happen @j.marty40 @florianchevallier @monsterenergy @pmtenore @monicanickbeven @mikypicon @bixentelizarazu @jonathanpolitur 💛😃🤙🏾
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Atos Jiu Jitsu Hq YouTube Channel || New Content Every Week >>> I would like to welcome all the 2k+ NEW SUBSCRIBERS from the last couple days, and thank ALL of you who are constantly supporting, sending messages, commenting, liking and sharing our VIDEOS. Thank you 🙏🏽💙 >>> Also, we are updating new content EVERY SINGLE DAY on #AtosOnline website.
This week we post new & innovative techniques from our world champions @lucasbarbosajj @kaynanduarte & today we will be posting a video class with @jonnatas_gracie || Stay Tuned!!! “Train Smarter. Study More”. Nosso Canal do YouTube: Atos Jiu Jitsu Hq || Novos conteúdos a cada semana >>> Gostaria de dar boas vindas à todos os novos ASSINANTES, mais de 2 mil nos últimos dois dias e, agradecer a TODOS vocês que estão constantemente apoiando, enviando mensagens, comentando, curtindo e compartilhando nossos VÍDEOS. Obrigado 🙏🏽💙 >>> Além disso, estamos atualizando novos conteúdos A CADA DIA, no site #AtosOnline. WWW.ATOSBJJONLINE.COM. Nesta semana, publicamos técnicas novas e inovadoras de nossos campeões mundiais @lucasbarbosajj @kaynanduarte, hoje publicaremos uma vídeo aula com o atual campeão europeu @jonnatas_gracie || Fique ligado!!! “Treine com mais inteligência. Estude mais”.
Missing the action 👊🏻🦾🔥😁Ja com saudade de fazer aquela forcinha 😁👊🏻🦾🔥 @bjjworldchamp @fightsportsglobal @fighterschoice @kingzkimonos
while at home one thing you can work on is body awareness and knowing where you are at all times.
When your training it’s easy to get confused and lose your sense of direction. This movement can really help you learn how to stay on your shoulders and navigate 3D space.
Good Luck.
Make sure you pick up your free at home workout link in my bio (@judosilencer) for a chance to win a free home Mat kit from @fujimatco