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The lies!! Definitely not how I remember this. Also remember Gordon at 17 was smashing 98% of black belts. He’s still a liar. 🤣🤣 #Repost @flograppling
“No purple belt.”
This is the continuation of our Escaping the Back Series. we previoucly covered our Early escape and now we move deeper into the timeline (Middle).
Our general mechanics remain the same: Disconnect his main two connection points by using the ground to scrape him off and then we explore options from there.
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My School: http://www.gracieschwarzwald.com/
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My video Instructionals: https://roymarsh.selz.com
Sensei Ben Eaton is #RibeiroPride🏹 @ribeirojjinstitute ・・・
Our youth students working on their self-discipline and values while at home! Powerful message for all…especially during the challenging times! We are teaching more than armlocks…building great citizens and everyday heroes! OSS #ribeirojiujitsu #weareribeiro #6blades #RJJ25 #ribeirojjinstitute #rollingthegrindpodcast #flowpressurefinish #youneverfightalone #jjifamily #guerreiro6blades #6bladesinmysoul #goldisintheheart
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