This shoulder throw may seem easy but you have to be fast and do it on the right
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The NextLevelGuy Podcast with Coach Brian Peterson has been released!!
Check it out! This video we work on a guard pass with a new twist. Sometimes this kind of training leads to something and sometimes it doesn’t but we all learn something new even if its what not to do. Check out the details and you are sure to find something useful! Enjoy! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please comment below. More videos to come! Please like, share, and subscribe!!
In this video I share a few more optins for stability ball training at home. These are great for core training / flexibility and mobility. Enjoy these fun exercises!
Fala galera
Como eu acabei de dizer ai no video, eu @leandrolojj e @erberthsantos decidimos nos juntar para de alguma forma ajudar as pessoas que estão passando necessidades por causa dessa pandemia que vem atingindo o mundo todo.
A nossa idéia é de fazer uma LIVE do nosso treino (Apenas nós no tatame) com um preço bem acessível e doaremos uma parte do dinheiro arrecadado para as pessoas que estão mais necessitadas.
Então quem estiver afim de assistir uma “Porrada” de verdade e ajudar ao próximo ao mesmo tempo ta aí uma boa oportunidade.
Será dia 13 de Maio as 19 horas👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼.
Para mais informações acesse o site.
WWW.BJJFIGHTCLUB.COM.BR .••••••• Hey whats up everyone
As I just said in the video, Me @leandrolojj and @erberthsantos decided to get together to try help some of the people that are victims of this pandemic that has been hitting the whole world.
Our idea is to do a LIVE of our training (Only us on the mat) at a very affordable price and we will donate part of the money raised to the people who are most in need.
So whoever wants to watch a real “Porrada” and help others at the same time, It is a great opportunity.
It will be on May 13th at 1
3 pm P.T., 6 pm E.T , 7 pm Brazil time.👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼.
For more information, access the site.
Kids BJJ Technique- Half-Guard to Mount Transition by Coach Janis
cursos de judo e jiu jitsu…
CONTATO 19-98331-3562
#valentao #conseguiu #feubjj
Kids BJJ Technique- Side Control to Mount Transition by Coach Janis
Recently I got an email from one of the email readers about a video where BJJ was called mutilated. Basically a Gracie family member called the sport of BJJ and the way many gyms practice mutilated, incomplete and essentially said they were not as good as the traditional Gracie Jiu-jitsu style he learned.
Let me start by saying I have a deep sense of gratitude for the Gracie family. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have ever started training BJJ. But I think this criticism is a little off. Martial arts are a type of self expression that’s always evolving and changing.
Take for instance traditional Jujutsu which spawned Judo. Where Kano made changes to the training philosophy and focus for various reasons. Then Judoka went all over the world spreading Judo, doing challenge matches and also taught some Brazilians.
The Brazilians then modified the focus and created this thing called Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. When Masahiko Kimura faced Helio Gracie he wrote about the “soft mats” which lessened the damage of throws and the “Brazilian rules.”
Now the Gracies (and others) have spread BJJ around the world, just like Judo, and it’s evolving into something new just as all martial arts do. But there is no 1 governing body for BJJ like Judo and so it allows for much more creative expression but also steers away from direct control.
The cat is out of the bag so to speak and I think it’s a good thing.
So do I think BJJ and sport BJJ is a mutilated art? Not really. No more than Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is mutilated Judo or Judo mutilated Jujutsu. The world changes, things evolve and while it may not fit someone’s desires that’s just not how the world works.
Martial arts are ancient and will continue to evolve.
Thanks for watching the video.
Here’s an article about Kimura’s interpretation of the match:
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.