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In this video I give some tips on becoming more comfortable in the bottom of a tight mount position in BJJ. This video is a response to someone who sent in a question asking for techniques to escape mount. But I don’t cover techniques because he said he tends to panic and become uncomfortable with the position. In Brazilian Jiu-jitsu I believe it’s very difficult to survive and escape any of the dominant position if you aren’t able to get some level of comfort.
Now I’m saying you’re going to like being in the position or anything like that, but you do have to be able to relax enough to think and setup a proper defense in bad spots. This is true for any position in Brazilian Jiujitsu but I think it’s especially important in positions where you’re at a disadvantage and the smallest mistake could lead to getting submitted.
So if you’re having trouble panicking in the bottom of mount then I hope this idea of learning to get comfortable with the uncomfortable is useful to you.
Thanks for watching!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Word guard -> back take 🤙
주짓수 도복은 VENUM 👍
✅전화번호 : 063-909-1222
✅카카오톡 : mmachampion
✅네이버/페이스북/인스타 그램➖”팀매드 전주”
✅주소 : 전주시 덕진구 송천동1가 97-28번지 4층(천마산로68)
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