A really frustration situation in BJJ is when a long legged person locks up Full Guard, squeezes and doesn’t open.
It can be incredibly hard to open someone’s Guard who has really long legs.
As I’ve expressed in other videos. The full guard was one of my worst positions early on.
In this video our friend Andrea, asks a similar question for her Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.
She wants to know how to break full guard when the person has long legs and squeezes.
In this video I show a really simple Thrust Choke that can be used in order to get the person on the bottom to open up.
It’s simple, powerful and really uncomfortable for the person on the bottom. And if they don’t respect the submission attempt. It’s possible for them to go unconscious.
And as I explain in the video. From my experience in Brazilian Jiujitsu. When you apply the choke. Guard players will often open up to get out of the position and choke.
So if you’re having trouble breaking full guard in BJJ. Give the choke a try!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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