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Is Gi training beneficial for No Gi training? That’s the BJJ related question I received from Ariana who is fairly new to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
She has been doing No Gi thus far and has asked around if she should do some training in the gi. And the general consensus that she gets is that the Gi is not beneficial or is useless.
In this video I touch on my experience about whether or not the Gi can be useful for No Gi BJJ.
But I also touch on the dogmatic approach many people in Brazilian Jiujitsu tend to take. Especially when it comes to this Gi vs No Gi debate.
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is art and it’s hard to nail down exacts in an art form.
Think of music and painting. How trends will come and go. Things that used to be considered garbage are now the exact things that are praised for their artistic creativity.
So if you’re wondering this same question, then I hope this helps! And try and keep an open mind for your BJJ training.
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