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Edwin Najmi on training with Khabib,
Watch full interview— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyIH23GntGg
Man survives Mountain Lion attack, kills mountain lion with RNC
Read full article—https://www.npr.org/2019/02/05/691528804/colorado-runner-kills-mountain-lion-in-self-defense
Gordon Ryan forced out of CJJ due to Knee Injury,
Craig Jones vs Josh Hinger Set for Third Coast Grappling,
Ricardo Almeida on Marlon Moraes submission victory
Watch full interview— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1npLq2CJBY
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Crazy story with the mountain lion!
i think he scare to get knockout
That’s a legit mata leoa!
Fuck thats insane !
Khabib is fucking 205 lbs!?
Cutting weight is stupid as shit, how can someone compete 20 kg under his real weight.
So is he going to come out with a Mountain Lion Back System or what?
was the mountain lion victim a jiujitsu practitioner? Are there any details on that?
Complete or sever LCL tears require surgery. Partial can heal on its own. I've come to assume anything Gorgon does outside of heel hooks consists of a bit of BS.
Dam was very much looking forward to that match
heal up man!
The statement did not confirm it was RNC
Gordon was going to loose anyway, Werdum always pulls the upset victory (Fedor, Nogueira, Cain), being Werdum the underdog just because the hype Gordon has… sooner than later he is going to get submitted and I Will enjoy so much that loss, I just want to see him tap hard and cry.
We got guys killing mountain lions with RNC's, Najmi talking about how awesome Khabib is, Gordon injuring himself in a hell of a match with Rocha, taking him out of a that Werdum CJJ match, but still doing the Grand Prix over the summer……… Then you post that POS lapdog taking about trying to get a fight with Segal…. GTFO with that bitch Danis, he's NOT BJJ newsworthy
Must have not been a big lion. I don't think humans are actually strong enough to choke out a lion like they have ridiculous muscles.
Dillon Danis.
Well with the RNC on the mountain lion Rogan has material to talk about for another 1000 podcast.
Jiu jitsu vs Mountain Lion. Jiu jitsu 1- Mountain Lion 0.
3:57 Bernardo Faria wouldn't smash Khabib in bjj? I highly doubt that. No offense to Khabib.
Article specifically said it was unlcear how he was able to strangle the mountain lion.
After that Jogger defeated the Mountain Lion vía RNC for the CPW Title. Garry Tonon is no longer known as “The Lion Killer”. Lol
actually it was a darce
Jesus gordon ruined the greatest CJJ match of all time. Why the fuck all fo a sudden he decided to grapple joao rocha
RNC on a mountain lion!!!! Daaaaaamn!!!
I believe it was a frontal naked choke which rendered the mountain lion unconscious
Segal would dominate Dannis, just like everyone else who goes against him. Dannis is all talk.
I choked a cougar once…
Only because she asked me to…
I read that he choked it from the front, not an RNC.
Get well soon Gordo. Hope you and Werdum can reschedule
Man > Lion
geeeeeez khabib at 205?????
Imagine being to tell the tale that you survive an attack from a lion, killing it with RNC.
If killing a mountain lion with a RNC is not proof enough that grappling works in deadly confrontations, then you must be a bullshido tard.
New achievement in the next Red Dead Redemption game, mata leon a mountain lion.