Bodyweight exercises are a great tool for any combat athlete. They reflect your relative strength (level of strength compared to bodyweight) as the amount you weigh is the resistance you need to move. While pushups are the most common exercise in bodyweight workouts, pulling exercises make more sense in a grappling setting. They target the lats, traps, rhomboids and biceps which are responsible for a tight squeeze (body lock, guillotine, rear naked strangle etc). However, many people neglect bodyweight exercises because they are too hard or too easy. In this video I’m showing you how to scale a bodyweight row based on your strength level. You can see I gradually reduce the assistance from my legs in each progression to make it more challenging on my upper body. I will keep adding my home workouts in the highlights. #modolfocamp2020 #baseblocks #homeworkout @nfqofficial @baseblocks