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BJJ Solo Drills – routine for quarantine. Link to full 17 minute video in bio. ….

BJJ Solo Drills – routine for quarantine.
Link to full 17 minute video in bio.
My 2 cents for the BJJ community in this forced abstinence from BJJ.
There is A LOT of information out there, regarding BJJ solo drills.
All of the BJJ community is trying to contribute with free DVD’s like @danaherjohn ‘s, great videos like “54 solo BJJ drills in 12 minutes” by @jason_scully and many more.
Sometimes, this flood of information can be hard to deal with, especially for a beginner.
“how do I begin?” What drills should I pick? What is the correct order? how many repetitions?”
It’s very easy to find excuses not do something. “I don’t have mats, I don’t have equipment, I don’t have enough room, I am not flexible enough”.
I came up with a routine for my students that will help them train at home while they can’t train.
No mats, no equipment, only basic drills (almost, some of the push up drills may be hard for total beginners, you can always convert them to regular push ups). No Excuses.
The routine consists of 3 parts: warm up, “strength/endurance” and cool down. The “strength/endurance” section has a few difficulty levels. I did the medium difficulty level. In a reletavly slow pace it took me 17 minutes.
Give it a try and tell me what you think. I’ve put a lot of thought into this. No fancy editing, only me at home. I have mats at home, but I did it on the floor to show that it can be done without them.
#bjj #mma #ufc #jiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu #solodrills #strength #conditioning #endurance #flexibility #quarantine #dailyexercise #timurabjj

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