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What? Is this troll? I love 2021! Bjjscout is back!
I see a bjjscout video I click as soon as i can. dont know when it wil be taken down
Welcome back BJJScout. Happy 2021. Thanks for the breakdown
Hey, here’s a video breakdown. Also, here’s a baked in ad even though you pay for premium to avoid ads
Literally wondered where you been and hoped you were ok. Then this vid drops. Glad you back BJJScout
great insight as usual.
where were you mate? we missed you
Welcome back
You da man robot voice
Why couldn't he do that to poirier
Hands up allows a lot of volume and a lot of feints Holloway has used his advantages in the right way.
youre the fucking goat
Great as always
The fight was so good, even BJJ Scout had to come back
Thanks keenis
Ahhhh I love when you do striking vids

The only thing I saw max significantly improve on is…. Body shot numbers? He barely threw any in the porier fight which might have turned the fight around. This might just have been possible because kattar wasn't as dangerous a counter threat as porier and volk tho
Let us have this one thing bjjscout lol chill
The miniature looks sick, just picked one up. Thanks for the content!
Not a fighter myself, but I love the strategy.
Max thinking about getting hit less is on the right path, i still think he got close to being knocked more than one time, i dont know why fighters dont focus on that more, lando vanata, tony ferguson and max i wish they got hit much less, they have the skills. As conor said, he only bled once..
Is Keenan going to do mma now?
What did you think about the pace Max put on in the first round? I though it was interesting that he started so fast, whereas it usually seems like max starts a little slow and gets to the pace he started with around the 3rd round
The scout is finnally back!
Sorry I can't agree on this performance mostly being on Kattars failings. Max's body work and parrying ability was in full shine this time around and every aspect of his boxing looked improve. You also discredit Calvin's bad tendencies like always circling to the powerside and yet fail to mention Volks issues with Max's uppercuts when either beginning to shift (which got him dropped in round 2) or even stationary. Max built off that bad habit even in the 5th round with a nice left hook after the backhand uppercut.
I love your videos and liked this one but it felt somewhat lacking in terms of content. Still a fan and love ya
But you're forgetting that volkanovski had the leg kick threat which kept Max at a distance, that's why Alex had the space to move 2 Max's lift. Also you forgetting that Max adopted a short stance when fighting volkanovski which means it's harder to cover distance and change angles quickly, but when Max foot Calvin he had his long boxing stance which helped him keep Calvin in range, also when Calvin moved to Max's left Max would throw spinning back kick to stop him from going to that side.
Fantastic breakdown. What might be even more interesting is a breakdown of the difference between Max v Kattar and Max v Ortega. He set significant strike records vs Ortega and managed to break his own records vs Kattar. I'd love to see your analysis of that.
BJJ scout doing breakdowns again!? Finally
Dude, we want more of your breakdowns
Thanks for the content and keep up the great work
Thank you for showing people an awesome performance may be in part due to the opposite on the opponent's part
Max should of used more foot work here
welcome back king scout
My first time watching any of this channel's videos. What's with the voice?
Brazza I'm glad you are alive and well. You found the linchpin that was under everyone's noses, except for Volk and Max apparently. So happy to know my faith in you and your observations is well founded.
One note – I'm the guy with the crooked JJ kanji on the B flag shirt btw – 8:01 i love the honeycomb design but am wondering if finger tape is not allowed or feasible in wrasslin'? Do you also have a video on proper (or challenging) uses for finger tape with Climbing, Lifting, Jūdo, MMA, and BJJ?
Where have you been?????????
Will Q.Q when it's pulled. Love as always.
Max's performance woke up bjj scout up
Dont you think the problem was that Katter guards up too much and his counterpunching wasnt strong enough to keep Holloway off him? Thats how it looked to me.
You are the best analyst. I always learn a lot from you.
Calvin did a lot of stepping back in straight lines before he even circled rather than smother max or roll under and step around off the centre line…. bad footwork and positional awareness , he made it simple for max , was predictable when he did actually try moving defensively ….lacks basic boxing fundamentals, lack of distance managelent and positional awareness situations..
It's a fair breakdown. It kind of shows the tiers to cage craft rather than just generally having fast feet. Because Calvin Kattar HAS good footwork and ring craft, but he went from Jeremy Stephens and Dan Ige level footwork to Max Holloway, which isn't even close in comparison. It's the same as Irene Aldana and Geoff Neal, where they are fleet footed and do have effective movement in the cage, but they went from Ketlen Vieria and Mike Perry, respectively, to Holly Holm and Stephen Thompson, which in hindsight seems unfair even if neither fighter was already compromised anyways.
So glad to see you doing mma break downs again man. This was so good. Really loved getting your different opinion on this. You revealed some really valid points and insights rather than jumping on the 'levelled up' band wagon like everyone else. Styles make fights. In this case these two fighters resulted in a lop sided outcome. It doesn't mean Max is now a God. Appreciate your work bro
I think all the bag work from the pandemic lockdown had a really good effect on the fluidity of Max's striking. Training combo's and mitts is all Max really needs to do to stay sharp so he is putting a lot more effort into using the training tools available. It would also put a lot more emphasis on being cerebral, and using visualizations.
great fookin work
That’s a nice chart
Holy sh*t, an actually intelligent breakdown that isn't just masturbatory in it's exultation of Max as the greatest fighter ever who has completely evolved into a new level of elite in between one fight… Nice to see someone recognize that maybe he was a multi time champ fighting the no 6 guy who's plan was to shell up in front if him and back away in a straight line, and there's a reason any fights with Volkanovski will always look different, excellent content my guy
He's backkkkk!!!