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A post fight study on Khabib’s performance at UFC 223. Explored – Why he outstruck Raging Al, why he had problems with takedowns, and why rides were not prominently featured.
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Love the videos bjjs, keep it up. If you're new to the channel I recommend watching the cruz studies. Really impressive breakdowns ???
Great video
OMG Habib was Toying arond. He even said it himself, he was watching Ali vs Fraiser and you can clearly see a impersonation of Ali to amuse himself…
i think khabib had 2 reasons on why he didn't finish the match: 1. he practiced his stand up/striking/boxing skills. you didn't only see khabib's jabs, feints, foot work, head movement, but also kicks, even he did a spinning back kick. i think he thought that practiced in a real fight would give a more effective outcome than in training or sparring. i think he did these for preparing to fight great striker like conor and tony. for me, it's a brave decision to change his style, get out of his comfort zone, and try something new. 2. he trained his heart/cardio. that's why he's willing to fight a lil bit longer and go 5 rounds than finish his opponent in 1st or 2nd round in a dominated fight as usual. it's the same thing with barboza match. al is great fighter, for sure, but i kinda see khabib pull himself out. he's preparing himself for great cardio guy in a long 5 rounds war. khabib didn't finish al for purpose. you clearly can hear how upset his coach and teammates when khabib didn't follow gameplan in round 3,4, and 5.
Joe rogan comment are not right…khabib just playing with alquinta to test his striking techniques..but he still respect alquinta more..on fighting camp khabib did't training that striking like he do to alquinta…imagine if khabib being serious training and include his fighting style (striking) on next event..alquinta face after fight already tell you how good and strong khabib is…jab,jab, match, 27-0…and stilllll!
Khabib vs Maia for science n your content but for my entertainment KN vs CC cuz Colby has no choice but to engage in grappling
youre a godsend!
Respect to Al
i guess even a dude like a.j. agazarm can be right.
not bad. for an A.I.
Woodley is trump's future wall and Khabib is the mexican. There is no taking down Woodley…
Khabib looked quite clumsy. Conor will knock him out.
Joe said Al's stock went up! Although he was a bloody mess and landed 25 strikes…seems getting a bag of licks determines you are better or has more weight than the person inflicting the damage. Joe was very biased that was a dominant victory.When gsp jabbed to a win for 5 rounds it was amazing….
Khabib fans are the worst. Front-running dick-riders that make excuses for him and live in a fucking fantasy world. The dude beat a number 11 seed for the belt and they act like he is a living legend because of it. His best fight was probably against RDA – and that dude isn't even as has been.. he's a "barely was."
I disagree with what you said about pawing look at conor hé does it to prevent a takedown. He paws to feel if hes opponent is ducking in and because hé feels hes opponent coming in hé can sprawl or angle out but al wasnt pawing far out enough to make contact with khabib shoulder like conor does thats also a reason why conor is such a precise counter striker . A lot of time while hes defending and backing up hes reaching out with hes right hand so hé can feel from what direction the shots are coming so hé can roll with them and then when hé chooses to let te left hand go . He knows where hé opponent face is because. He knows hes right is on the opponent shoulder or neck area most of the time hé just has to punch hes left hand in to the direction of hes right hand. Thats also why this was harder with nate diaz because of the reach adventage for nate and nate also being a southpaw
If khabib improve mt and bjj will became a beast
You said you awaiy explanations to how this was possible. My opinion is that it was possible because, Khabib wasn't committing to his chain wrestling like usual. That is at least what it looks like. He wasn't getting shut down at every turn it was more like he was giving up and going back to the stand up which he was dominantly winning. I also think in the Barboza fight that it looked like Khabib wanted to knock him out on the feet and prove a point and just didn't get it done. Even though he completely destroyed both guys obviously, I think he is trying to prove that he's not one-dimensional and was probably shooting the takedowns that got stuffed to keep his stand-up so effective. I think this is at least a viable explanation.
Khabib will retire undefeated??
Khabib nurmagomedov will retire undefeated ????
A knee to the head is the biggest danger for Khabib.
I think khabib relized he could have al eating jabs all night and just decided to win on points
6:50 song name please
Khabib's in for a rude awakening against Conor. Brute force works on many fighters and makes them fold. The same brute force entries will be a blessing to Conor. Conor catches people seeming out of nowhere, even when they aren't giving obviously, glaring opportunities. When they do give him opportunities, he's normally deadly.
Like Aldo, Buchinger and Eddie. Al was far smarter in this fight than I noticed before. Using that intelligence and awareness threw Khabib of his usual game. Conor will do that over and over.
Can't wait for this fight, if it happens.
He did it bcoz he wanted to practice for future when he will face high level strikers.
Khabib himself said so in post press conference.
Theres nothing more to it.
He knew he had won the fight in the first 2 rounds.
Had he been outstruck in round 3 he would have again wrestled again
Just found this channel, this is some great content man
Khabib got outsmarted. His fight IQ is gonna hurt him against Conor.
THis guy puts too much into what he calls "framing". DO you really think a hand on the shoulder will stop khabib from going for the legs? it might stop a body lock or clinch, but Khabib never goes for those besides when it's against the cage. In open space he goes for the legs. No "framing" will stop that.
And stiiiiiiiiiil KHABIB UNDEFEATED..
Conor MCGregor
Joe Rogan isn't always the best of commentators. I had khabib 10-8 first two rounds, the other rounds he used that jab like a boss. They may not look like much but take 50 of those and your face is a mess. If this wasn't a lobsided fight than I don't know what is…
Al is a smart fighter
This channel is the epitome of what mma analysts should be like, no bias just a breakdown. I've been pointing these weaknesses on khabib's part on my channel, but I've been getting so much hate by the khabib fanboys.
I think khabib dad need a phychology doctor because his dad saying khabib going to fight in welter weight ??? both are mad ??? who think khabib can fight with woodly ????? rip khabib
?? 2 min silence for khabib and his dad woodly gonna rip ur head off khabib ??? think twice brother don't go on welter weight plz this is my suggestion for you ???
This video is why Conor accepted the fight
Daniel Cormier should be awarded another belt. "Hypocrite Champion of UFC". One of the most vocal voices in the UFC about steroids and denies a rematch to a true Champion Stipe Miocic, and then wants to fight a "steroid junkie". Exposed Fraud! The respect I was learning to give Daniel has just been hit with a tidal wave of "hypocrisy". Comes down on Jones about steroids to fight a life long steroid addict. No wonder he is retiring, wants no part of getting beat a third time. Three strikes and your legacy is out. Fans demand a rematch with the real champ Miocic or Jones and let him fight Brock at a WWE event after he retires like Rhonda did. Hey, I have a idea. How about a tag team match with Rhonda and Daniel. No wonder Jones scoffs at Cormier for being shallow.
One thing people don't even consider about Conor and Daniels's stablemate Khbib. It is not just his left. It is in his eyes. Their scary, menacing, not natural. Something happens that clicks on when he enters the ring. He has that Charles Manson look. He fears no one. No one has that look in the UFC, that mind is the greatest weapon he has, not his left. The very first time I saw him I noticed that crazed look as hard as flint. He himself believes his mind can penetrate the weapons of any of his opponents regardless of who his opponent is. If this was not true he would not jump into the maulers cage after a long lay off. He is a David that loves to fight the Goliath's. He sees the win before it happens. Will his mind prevail over Khabib physical strength and size? For me I will be watching his mind, not his left. The left is just the tool to do what the mind has already planned. I'm not drinking the Conor kool-Aid, but I have watched everyone count him out to soon. Conor does not even know the word intimidation is in the dictionary. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Khabib is just imitating Conor, the only difference is Conor's is not a act. It is who he is like Ali. Win or lose, Conor and Ali are still the greatest who took their loses like a true champion would. Not like Rhonda or Cody. Nor like Mighty Mouse who would not fight TJ, yet Henry jumped at the first chance. I hope that Henry gets the million dollar payday and and the cheese, and the mouse gets the 350,000. Then he blamed Dana White for low pay.
Worlds Strongest man who never took Steroids, TRT or HGH at 68, now 72 with a "will" that understands Conor's "will".
Daniel Cormier should be awarded another belt. "Hypocrite Champion of UFC". One of the most vocal voices in the UFC about steroids and denies a rematch to a true Champion Stipe Miocic, and then wants to fight a "steroid junkie". Exposed Fraud! The respect I was learning to give Daniel has just been hit with a tidal wave of "hypocrisy". Comes down on Jones about steroids to fight a life long steroid addict. No wonder he retiring, wants no part of getting beat a third time. Three strikes and your legacy is out. Fans demand a rematch with the real champ Miocic or Jones and let him fight Brock at a WWE event after he retires like Rhonda did. Hey, I have a idea. How about a tag team match with Rhonda and Daniel. No wonder Jones scoffs at Cormier for being shallow.
One thing people don't even consider about Conor and Daniels's stablemate Khbib. It is not just his left. It is in his eyes. Their scary, menacing, not natural. Something happens that clicks on when he enters the ring. He has that Charles Manson look. He fears no one. No one has that look in the UFC, that mind is the greatest weapon he has, not his left. The very first time I saw him I noticed that crazed look as hard as flint. He himself believes his mind can penetrate the weapons of any of his opponents regardless of who his opponent is. If this was not true he would not jump into the maulers cage after a long lay off. He is a David that loves to fight the Goliath's. He sees the win before it happens. Will his mind prevail over Khabib physical strength and size? For me I will be watching his mind, not his left. The left is just the tool to do what the mind has already planned. I'm not drinking the Conor kool-Aid, but I have watched everyone count him out to soon. Conor does not even know the word intimidation is in the dictionary. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Khabib is just imitating Conor, the only difference is Conor's is not a act. It is who he is like Ali. Win or lose, Conor and Ali are still the greatest who took their loses like a true champion would. Not like Rhonda or Cody. Nor like Mighty Mouse who would not fight TJ, yet Henry jumped at the first chance. I hope that Henry gets the million dollar payday and and the cheese, and the mouse gets the 350,000. Then he blamed Dana White for low pay.
Worlds Strongest man who never took Steroids, TRT or HGH at 68, now 72 with a "will" that understands Conor's "will". 375 bench press raw at 198 lbs.
When he "set his face like flint" it is very chilling. It is no hyped up act, that everyone is trying to copy, even Khabib. I respect the fact that Khabib is wrestling with two big bears like Cormier and Cain, but that makes Conor the hunter looking to bag the trophy with a marksmen's eye. I used to belong to Safari Club International and the first lesson you learn in bringing down a bear, lion, tiger is you can't miss when being charged. If you do it is fatal. Its frightening being in the cross-hairs of hit-man. Truly a Ali Vs. Frazier high level war I saw. Khabib you better make weight. And its Dana's job to see to it that he is on point the whole step of the way knowing his history. The bottom line for some athletes it is the "mind" not the physical attributes. To understand this "mentality" watch Alex Honnold climb the North Face with no ropes.
Or Nick Wallenda walk the high wire over Chicago blinded folded. These are "Mind Athletes" like Conor that transcends the physical which people mock when they fail. Why? Job 5:12 Those who are at "ease" have contempt for misfortune
as the fate of those whose feet are slipping. How do you expect a fan to understand this "mind set" when they are sitting at "ease" who come to watch them fail, rather then succeed. It would be like asking a fan after Wallenda walked across the wire with a wheel barrow, then on the way back ask a fan at "ease" if he would get in to go back. Yet he would be the first to say he got what he deserved.
Khabib father's prediction. What he says in true however he over looked one big weapon.
When he "set his face like flint" it is very chilling. It is no hyped up act, that everyone is trying to copy, even Khabib. I respect the fact that Khabib is wrestling with two big bears like Cormier and Cain, but that makes Conor the hunter looking to bag the trophy with a marksmen's eye. I used to belong to Safari Club International and the first lesson you learn in bringing down a bear, lion, tiger is you can't miss when being charged. If you do it is fatal. Its frightening being in the cross-hairs of hit-man. Truly a Ali Vs. Frazier high level war I saw. Khabib you better make weight. And its Dana's job to see to it that he is on point the whole step of the way knowing his history. The bottom line for some athletes it is the "mind" not the physical attributes. To understand this "mentality" watch Alex Honnold climb the North Face with no ropes.
Or Nick Wallenda walk the high wire over Chicago blinded folded. These are "Mind Athletes" like Conor that transcends the physical which people mock when they fail. Why? Job 5:12 Those who are at "ease" have contempt for misfortune
as the fate of those whose feet are slipping. How do you expect a fan to understand this "mind set" when they are sitting at "ease" who come to watch them fail, rather then succeed. It would be like asking a fan after Wallenda walked across the wire with a wheel barrow, then on the way back ask a fan at "ease" if he would get in to go back. Yet he would be the first to say he got what he deserved.
Khabib father's prediction. What he says in true however he over looked one big weapon.
Who wins the Russian Bear or Gorilla…
BJJ Scout, damn you are good!! Nobody, I mean Nobody has seen stuff like you do
First round KO for Conor!
Let's be honest. Khabib was going easy..
Joe should be thanking the stars and sucking UFC dicks every chance he can. With That said, no one should take what Joe says seriously.
Total dominance is "disappointing' . Rogan is a money whore who long ago left behind the idea that this was a sport.
no. if khabib goes up to welterweight, i guarantee you that woodley would really expose the holes in his game.
Best channel
khabib will weigh to gsp level? interesting
In an interview Khabib said he wanted to go the full 5 round distance, for the experience. Even though his Dad and Coach Javier wanted it him to finish it asap. When you think about it Khabib could’ve taken him down and finished him pretty early on if he really wanted to, but instead he chose to be like ? and play with his food first. What a savage.
Joe ??? Kick him ass out if ufc. How could ufc use this unfair gay for comentary the ufc's fight.
Al Iaquinta looked like a god compared to Conor, weak drunk Irishman…
I wanna see wonderboy khabib ,would be interesting to see how khabib attempts to close the distance and if wonderboy can keep it standing
The answer is : Khabib told Megan Olivi
“I want to stay in the octagon for 25 mins, every minute, every second is experience”
Check out Megan Olivi’s interview with Khabib in UFC channel.
He wasn’t after quick TKO at all.