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Part 3 of a study on Demian Maia’s passing in MMA. His options from his 3 staging positions and counters to X/Single Leg X Guard are studied here.
For more info on Maia’s complete game, please see Gambledub’s Maia Study
* I do not own any of the above footage used. It’s reproduction is merely for critique and educational purposes.
Illenium – Without You (feat. SKYLR)
BASTION – Palace
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Anytime I get a notification from this channel I stop everything I'm doing to watch. Great video!
Maia needs a title shot man!
Suggestion. Anderson silva is considered by many the goat. Would be cool to see how and why he was so dominant. His timing and head movement is incredible. Even still. But I'm sure there's more too it.
Best breakdowns, for sure. You have helped my striking and grappling games elevate with your videos and I don't have to work on anything, the increased knowledge/understanding just helps my approach, so the improvement is immediate. I am deeply grateful.
Remember, too, that all the single-leg X people you mentioned were all, or at one point, students of John Danaher/Renzo Gracie: Eddie Cummings, Rory MacDonald, Gunnar…I think it would serve well to look at the commonalities of them all as a possible answer to the leg lock phenomenon coming from Eddie/Garry Tonon/Gordon Ryan. I think it would be a cool video. Maybe Maia has a good answer to that.
please, when you do provide the barrier vs trapping guard series, cover rubber guard, Williams, butterfly and half guard
Another beauty,concise and full of crucial info as usual!
You're like a grappling analysis video god
awesome, maias passing it really is art in motion.
Scout, your videos are incredible. Thank you for continuously sharing so much with the Jiu Jitsu community.
I wonder how Rickson vs Maia would've went?
your breakdowns are really inspiring! I now watch fight footage from various disciplines with pen and paper taking down notes to improve my overall fight IQ. Thank you?
BJJ SCOUT plz breakdown Jose's takedown defence..
Bjj Scout. You are simply awesome! Thanks for the good works! Wish you all the best!
Cmon where's part 4 I'm dying here. I have a tourney Saturday morning need more guard sweeps to mount help.
Can you do a video on Machida takedowns or BJ Penn guard passing?
So well done! I can't thank you enough for sharing your time and keen observations. Maia's butterfly passing is the best I have ever seen (especially in MMA), and his high-hip-switch to dope mount is a thing of beauty! But how well would it work against what many consider the greatest butterfly player of all time? Not perfectly,, I think…
Love the videos, can't stand the music.
Top notch value and content ! Fucking awesome man
I've really appreciated your work!!!
I'm looking forward to Demian Maia's video part 4
Thanks in advance!!! =]]
Amazing. Can't wait for part 4.
More videos please!!!!
great series and videos. part 4 please
Amazing stuff… Wow
Love the videos. Could you do an MMA guard study? say Nate Diaz?
This is priceless, thank you very very much!
Your videos are helping me a lot to learn more about Jiu jitsu!! Thank you very much!
Great music BTW
wow bro that intro and when you said "its not for the chosen few, its in us all" really inspired me, as a young man from poverty this really touched a chord in me, you've lit a fire in me to remember we have to give to the ones who aren't so lucky and chosen on their pedestals…
Good vid but what is this music..
best music on a video too!
you are doing gods work
HA! in the previous video the entire time i was thinking SINGLE X! BJJ Scout, on point as always. Great series!
I was always wondering why doesn't Maia put shoulder pressure on the guys jaw in reverse half guard. You would think you would have less control in mma. I'm really curious why he doesn't do this. You would think its riskier doing it his way because you could give up your back. Maybe this is one of those techniques that don't work as well for the lighter guys since D.M. is a welterweight..just wondering what other people think about it..
Lol trying to beat maia with his and Marcelo own x guard. Haha. I love that when you put "so…" at 4:20
Great break down BJJScout… Easy to understand for beginners.
Often times i will see very complicated combos and passes are being taught to younger/newer students and it makes them very frustrated. They cant keep up with the speed with someone who has been practicing for longer than they have… It is made worse if they are physically smaller and have not learned leverage and technique..
They dont like it and leave the academy.
Im very much a proponent of building basic knowledge and mechanics slowly and in a very easy to understand fashion.
Might be a silly question… But im curious…
Is there anyway to use speed to isolate one of staging points of a tripod and roll him/sweep him with momentum?
nice video, but gay music
BJJ Scout, you my friend have earned many subscribers! I'm telling everyone at my gym about your page. It's exactly what I've been looking. I'm a high rank blue belt so most videos don't teach me much. Especially when it comes to fundamental bjj but the high level DETAIL is awesome in your vids. Thanks man! Keep it up.
Was he really in reverse half guard? Looked like a normal half guard to me
Love your videos
Love how the last video was partly about how Maia switches passes to trick you then you open with a Brian Stann line about how Maia says tricking people is less important than the fundamentals.
Great videos Scout and War Maia!!! (hoping he subs Usman tonight)
5 single leg X users weren't happy about this.