Are you a gym owner and want to ask Chewy or Joe a gym business related question? Please leave the questions below.
Recently I’ve been getting a ton of gym business related questions from BJJ coaches. But also from people running other niche gyms.
And I figured I’d do some videos on the topics from time to time.
But at the same time I wanted to introduce you to my business partner Joe.
In our business he covers many of my gaps and does things that I am terrible with and vice versa. We work together as a team on our gym to make it an awesome place to train.
We’re a nearly 9000 sq ft facility with Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Boxing, Kickboxing, Weight lifting and more.
And the gym is packed everyday.
It wasn’t always this way and we’ve learned a lot of stuff over the years that we hope to share with you.
If you’re a gym owner or maybe want to be but have a question. Leave it in the comments or send it to me privately and Joe and I will answer it sometime in the future.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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