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First. Suck it.
Didn't want to mention that the alleged abusive instructor was De La Riva himself?
It seems the Judo federation doesn't want people doing any other activity but judo. …Ok…
Be careful to spread such news, it seems that the victim himself is coming to rectify the story, arguing that she did not mean it exactly, as we say here in Brazilian lands "há caroço nesse Angu".
And the other is CreOnte and not CreAOnte, respect the phrases of Master Carlson

Say the name of the instructor, no need to protect anyone
Stupid parochial judo. It would be so great if this awesome martial art didn’t consistently strangle itself by limiting newaza and the many ignorant decisions it makes around the “sport” of it.
De La Riva is a POS and I hope he gets corona virus.
0:16 "My truth" ? meh…
Something is either "true" or "not true" there is no such thing as "your truth" or "my truth".
A thing is either "true" or "not true".
My truth or the truth?
Gordan Ryan–a one man corona spreading machine.
Is that Nina Simone in the beginning?
Gordon Ryan lost all of my respect. One of the problems I have with BJJ guys sometimes is that they don't have the opportunity to be educated and say a bunch of stupid sh_t like they know almost everything. Unlike Baseball, Basketball, football and "kind of" hockey (sorry if I missed others..) they HAVE to stay in school if they want to compete at the highest level. BJJ? Drop out of school when your in secondary 3 …no problem…
Gordon Ryan is still the King tho
The ijf is getting waaay more cultist; ryan attacking keenan is a classic wsy to divert an argument he's failing to support.
Also, when the mcg-khabib post fight study? You, like everyone else has enough time with the quaratine.
Thanks for watching! For detailed notes check description
Regarding the judoka being banned. Ive seen him in social media competing in various martial arts for the longest time, Wrestling etc etc, it’s not like he could only do one martial art only, infact the organisation tt he trains in have several martial disciplines under its group although judo is the main one. Although I’m quite neutral, as in I don’t like tt ban decision, but I can understand the Organization’s decision. Oh well… sigh..
Who is edgie bro? I know edgie brah
Edgie Brahh*
Gordon was still right that Keenen only came after certain people who are still training. Soooo maybe the morale of the story is keenen should focus on him and shut up about what other people are doing. Last vlog of his I watched he drives up to the gym in a car like everyone else not on some high horse.
Really like the content of this channel. And because of the news about martial arts and the sports, such as the news on this great channel as well as news about local instructors around where i live, it has made me certain that I do not want to get my black belt anymore. Politics, immaturity, sense of entitlement, delusion about one's intelligence and competence, emotional and physical abuse, instructors not closing the gym even though there is a pandemic, money, etc… yea, i'm tired of it. Although there is bad in every group of people, I would not be proud of being a black belt if I got it. I would be grateful and happy for the people whom i received it from, but I will not be proud.. at least not anymore. And that sucks, but it's okay too.
Hey Bjj look at you cousin Judo, don't be an asshole like him!
Singapore = fragile
Does anyone know the name of the background beat/track???
Gordon legit says he doesn't care who dies from COVID because they're either old or unhealthy-and-therefore-deserve-it.