Joe Rogan Experience – Best of the Week of August 12, 2018
JRE #1157 – Shooter Jennings –
JRE #1158 – Chuck Palahniuk –
JRE #1159 – Neil deGrasse Tyson –
JRE #1160 – Bert Kreischer –
JRE #1161 – Jerrod Carmichael & Jamar Neighbors –
edited by Mischief Makers Productions – (
intro by Marius Hjerpseth – (
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God that Chuck interview was fucking spectacular.
So when Neil Degrasse Tyson hears a guy saying Jesus is going to come back a resurrect all the believers and take them to heaven, no problem, butspouting how the Earth is flat anf that shit cant stand? What a contradiction of positions, sir!
Flat Earth
Shooter Jennings and eddy bravo have very similar voices ? let the conspiracy theory’s begin
I lost it when Joe was talking about his dogs getting put down….I had to put mine down 3 weeks ago. I still can't really deal with the pain of the loss.
Sorry bout your dogs dog.
People shitting coz Alex Jones is being repressed by the NWO. I bet they actually flipped Jones and that's the real reason they took him off.. Bezos has Billion dollar contracts with the CIA an nsa and we assume that there's the Sandy Hook parents that got him off here…yeah, please visit my PayPal and give me money if you believe that, Jones was a pawn overall, more like a sacrifice, I gaurantee something is gonna happen to him soon. Watch I am predicting that the machine (not Bert) is gonna come down on him. The first domino is falling and if we sit here and allow it, all the plays that they are holding will come to pass.
Leave Alex Jones alone. He may be a paranoid nut, but he is right on many many things.The media, Hollywood, the government is out to fuck Joe normal guy.The elite want the middle class gone. They want poor welfare state drones graveling on their knees begging for Big Pappa socialist Democrat to send that monthly check.They want to stop free speech, stop ownership of guns and stop individual critical thought.Fuck group think. Fuck the left. Fuck any man who wants to steal my rights.I will never bow, worship or be subservient to any God or man.
Neil Tyson said he doesnt like i forget how he said it but doesnt not say god like oh my god, its like a pet peeve to hear oh my gosh because its like shut up that dont sound like a big deal but when you say oh my god its for a reason and you dont need to be religious
Joe's dog story made me sad…
Hmmm Bert looks a lot like Joe.
Can't tell because of the tears in my eyes
Go Go Power Rangers!
Very poor interview skills this week by Joe Rogan. A lot of interruptions, talking down to, etc. It's almost as if Joe thinks he's interviewing himself the way he just talks and talks. And when someone DOESN'T let Joe do that there's such empty silence (the interview with the creator of fight club) and Joe repeating the same thing all interview (watch the interview with the fight club guy – same questions about how do you write, his money was embezzled, etc.)
Would anyone like to smoke a bowl with me while worshiping me ?
Say what you want about Alex Jones… I don't care if he's a crazy motherfucker, what happened to him was wrong. Not only is it fueling his fan base, but it also implies that censorship is fine, now. The first amendment isn't only for "good" speech, it's also there to hear lunatics talk about gay frogs.
Edit: I would defend a crazy libtard all day for the right to speak.
Neil is a bitch ass! I wish he would just go away. Like the other science guy.
Well tht was creepy thn depressing.. thnx i guess?
The podcast has peaked he has said the same shit 2000 times multiplied by three hours.
"Perfect, naked, dead, 12-year-old boy"
-Mr. not at all creepy shithead constantly on ambient.
I swear Joe has an equation for balancing his guest that even Thanos would be jelous of. I mean having Kreischer and Tyson can only be balaned by having two utter fuckheads like Jennings and Palahniuk.
Anyone who wears sunglasses indoors takes themselves too seriously and needs to be killed
Joe Rogan has no problems killing dear and laughing when humans get KO'd unconscious inside the Octagon, but he his brought to tears by an old dog dying. LOL
Shooter Jennings is a fuck punk ass bitch. Real talk
Man I hope I pass this bmv test.
Powerful Shooter McBravo interview ladiesn and gentlemen…
Godspeed is 98mph