Today we have question from a fellow big fella named Sam.
He asks,
“Chewy what would you say to a White Belt in BJJ, who is bigger than the rest of the class, other than to simply play defense?”
I’m not sure where Sam heard this advice, but if he were my student this is NOT what I advise you to do, or at least not what I would say anyone’s main focus in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu should be.
Instead, I tell Sam the one thing I think he SHOULD focus on in training, especially as a big boy.
This idea is something that I base off the competitive big guys in my room, past and present, who were/are really tough to deal with during live rolls.
Even in competition, when I have the most trouble with bigger grapplers it’s usually the ones who have clearly made THIS the focus of their game, or at least a big part of it.
If you’re a big man, or woman, and want to develop a well-rounded & complex Jiu-Jitsu game, then I think applying some of the ideas from this video will help you do just that.
Playing Jiu-Jitsu like this will also make you a much more inviting roll for smaller grapplers during training, and just be helpful for you overall growth in the martial art.
Hopefully if you’ve found yourself in a situation like Sam’s, then you found the ideas in this video helpful.
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