Address your deficits ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Due to the quarantine I’ve had more free time to focus on addressing my own mobility deficits. One particular deficit is my lack of true overhead motion. It is fairly common for people to force their shoulders overhead even if their glenohumeral joint is lacking motion by compensating at the lumbar spine.
FRS rule: Rotational inputs to improve linear movements.
Instead of trying to “stretch” overhead I have been primarily focusing on improving my shoulder’s ability to rotate (external and internal). .
Here is a video of my progress that I have made in the last month since I started to address this issue. Both videos were taken without a warm up. Still have work to do. Ultimately I should be able to get >170 degrees without compensating.
How are you using your time to address your deficits?
Are you documenting your progress to ensure you are actually improving with your intervention?