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Address your deficits •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• It is common for many martial

Address your deficits
It is common for many martial artists to overload their joints / bodies while training. During this quarantine many martial artists have the luxury of time to let all their overuse injuries heal / resolve, right? .
Hopefully this may be true for many athletes however many athletes will also come out of this with those lingering injuries still present. Why?
They never addressed the lack of capacity in their weakest link(s)

While athletes tend to be better movers than non-athletes many still have numerous compensatory patterns that have developed over time. This is an opportunity to addressed these injuries. .
Probably the only intervention I would universally recommend without an assessment are controlled articular rotation (CARs). Basically because everyone should be doing daily joint maintenance. CARs are isolated joint movements within your full PAIN-FREE range which is the foundation for joint health (never continue to move in painful ranges of motion). Their are numerous advantages:
1️⃣Joint Health: Movement is nutrition for joints. Move often.
2️⃣Assessment: You will find ranges of motion that are ‘stiff’ or ‘painful’ which require further attention. This may addresses with other interventions or by a healthcare professional.
3️⃣Mobility: expand your usable range of motion and learn how to isolate your joints. This will help you develop better body awareness and control. .
Here is a video of my good friend and training partner @lionheart_shaw working on improving some of his deficits.

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