In today’s video I answer a question from a viewer named Senju, who recently competed at a BJJ tournament against an opponent who he had previously beaten decisively.
This time however, at this Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competition, he barely beat this guy, winning on a judge’s decision.
At the end of the day Senju feels like he didn’t win the match.
He says he feels gross about the victory and ask how I would deal with these feelings that bottle up when you don’t think you deserved to win a match, that you in fact do win on the score board (in his case by advantage)
Often times in BJJ you’re going to run into the same opponents on your way up the competitive circuit, because realistically there aren’t that many people who compete.
Naturally there’s going to be progress in both competitors grappling games as time goes on and close matches will undoubtedly vary in results (unless you’re way better than your opponent).
In this video I’ll talk more about this back-and-forth that often happens in BJJ, a recent ADCC Trials winner(a buddy of mine Jacob Couch) who struggled with this against a game opponent & then won when it “mattered”, and more revolving around this unique subject in Jiu-Jitsu.
Hopefully you find these ideas helpful in some way, especially if you’ve been in a similar situation to Senju.
– Chewy
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