A few moments from the @provinggroundssubmissiononly tournament last month, my last as a blue belt. I had 2 draws and 1 submission (foot lock) for 2nd place. It took about 6 years before I felt like I could be on the same level with other blue belts, and I anticipate purple to be even tougher/longer. The youngest competitor was half my age, and Tigran, Jesus, and Nathan are all way better than me right now, so I really have to step my game up ???⚫?⚫????? #bellevue #police #jiujitsu #tecnica #selfdefense #heliogracie #mybellevue #shoyoroll #worldclan #albinoandpreto #oldmanjiujitsu #jiujitsucop #servingandprotectingwithalohainwa #protectbellevuedotcom