The primary benefit to wearing an exterior vest is that it reduces lower back pain by ergonomically distributing all the weight of the gear. It also provides space for officers to carry more stuff like narcan, med kits and provides the ability to use the carrier as a grip to potentially pull an injured officer. A very small drawback is the control that can be potentially obtained by someone (particular a bigger / stronger person) who gets a completely encircled grip on the vest. Similar to when you grab a jiu-jitsu belt, when your fingers can go all the way around, traditional gi grip breaking techniques are ineffective. These specific techniques are from @clu7ch79 and the DT cadre at the @kcsheriff. While the individual actions and responses may vary, the same underlying principles are the same. If the grip cannot be broken, disrupt the balance of the subject, initiate a takedown, and once grounded, use the ground to break the grip(s) by rotating from the top position. Huge mahalo to Nathan for letting me work on this. I don’t use the external vest but about half of my coworkers do, and while the likelihood of an unbreakable grip occurring is very low, it is good to know what that feels like beforehand. It’s also super cool to see how the art can help us stay safe. Day by day.🥋🚔🤙🏽 #police #selfdefense #jiujitsu #alavanca #outreach #aloha #makeadifference #trainweeklyorfightweakly #fitness #aiea #oahugrown 🎵@jeffkaale