**Do not try this without supervision from @dongulla or @raidertactical.** The first time I saw this six-beat drill was in 2008 when I attended Sgt Gulla’s #weaponretention and ground survival course. My mind: 🤯
Gulla’s Weapon Retention and Positional Shooting (GWRAPS) was created by now retired @kcsheriff Deputy Sergeant Don Gulla to address weapon retention in close quarters when the firearm is unholstered. It provides the most effective gun-out weapon retention against real resistance that I’ve ever felt and (if justified) it also provides a platform to shoot. There have been a few innovations to GWRAPS since then and if you have any questions about it I would direct you to him. It really took me a while to get the timing of the trigger pull with the strikes.
Sgt. Gulla is a true pioneer in the #defensivetactics community here in Washington and he has taught thousands of law enforcement officers around the world. GWRAPS has been incorporated into other outstanding DT courses like the #graciesurvivaltactics course at @gracieuniversityhq. In this video I am using my issued @sigsauerinc p320 Pro with Romeo1 Pro and @nightsticklighting. I used some 9mm dummy rounds from my firearms coach @buliwyf_actual to ensure that I wasn’t covering the ejection port when I racked the slide. I was worried that the raised front sight on the p320 Pro would hurt my hand during the elbow strikes but it wasn’t a problem. Lots of moving parts that combine fine and gross motor movement. Day by day. 🥋🚔🤙🏽 #police #selfdefense #fitness #firearms #trainweeklyorfightweakly #oahugrown #aiea