If you grew up skating in the 80’s you were undoubtedly also profoundly influenced by @tommyguerrero’s opening scene in Future Primitive. My mom was nice enough to buy me the Betamax tape and I probably watched it everyday for the next two years. It truly changed my life. I checked and confirmed that video was released 35 years ago so I had to pay tribute to it after work. “200 years of American technology has unwittingly created a massive cement playground. It took the minds of 12-year olds to realize its potential.” Mahalo Tommy for helping to inspire a whole generation! 🙏🏽🛹🚔🤙🏽#ifyouknowyouknow #powerslide #bonesbrigade #streetplantbattalion #skatelikeacop #oahugrown #aiea #radboys #skateboardingisnotacrime #protectbellevuedotcom