Closing the distance is an inevitable part of our work. In addition to being aware of all the potential things that can happen in a #jiujitsu match or mma fight, we are always reminded that there is always a gun (ours) in every fight. How many retentions does your holster / taser have and how strong are they? Would someone be able to intuitively release them with the same side or cross hand? Do you have techniques or concepts in your #defensivetactics curriculum to address weapon retention in and out of the holster? If so, have you pressure tested them? I am far from an expert in this topic but I am very fortunate to have learned from guys who have spent decades working on these problems like Sgt @dongulla. Courses like his or the #graciesurvivaltactics course at @gracieuniversityhq do a fantastic job of introducing jiujitsu and providing techniques and concepts to address #weaponretention. It’s frustrating when stuff fails in training but I’m thankful anytime I find out something isn’t as reliable as I thought because I get another chance to try again. A former coworker of mine said something very profound when I was asking questions about a certain technique: “Everything works, and everything fails.” Mahalo to Dan, Webster and Tae for helping me stay safe! **shoes were cleaned before stepping on the mats**🙏🏽🚔🥋🤙🏽#bellevue #police #selfdefense #trainweeklyorfightweakly #protectbellevuedotcom