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Dane Swearengin says
Great video, nice job! Personally this is by far my best pass. I like the way you showed it, good details. Do you ever find yourself jumping over the legs if they are strongly pushing your head away as you try to pass? That’s probably what I run into the most if I don’t get the pass right away. They somehow manage to get their arms in between us and on the side of my head from time to time, pushing away like crazy. Your grips don’t change. Hop over their legs and once you make it to the other side the arm grabbing the lapel pulls hard and your elbow smashes their knew down. They will try to push away and escape but you’ll be pulling on their gi to hard and your hips are close to theirs, works well for me at least. Are you familiar w/that option? Nice mats too btw! ?
Φροιξος Νικητογλου says
its mendes style
Mike DesRosiers says
Heel hook it
Anthony Maloney says
Yup. This pass and it’s complementary pass to the back have been a staple of my passing for many years.
Logan Vance says
Ryan Thomas
Shann Sarah says
Jo Bloxham a good reminder of what old broffessor Corbett was teaching up
Oscar Chato Lopez says
Just learned this pass not too long ago. The only difference/detail was we passed the lapel in your left hand to the right hand after you laced the legs. Head control is crucial. The free left arm helped to keep them crunched up to stop them from creating too much space.